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    As the car drove away, Qi Wang let go of Zhou Ningyu's wrist and walked in with her.

    Huadu occupies a large area, and the building where Qi is living is still in the innermost position. Generally, when the owners came back, they would drive into the community, which was not time-consuming, but they didn’t drive when Qi came out today, so they walked in the community with Zhou Ningyu.

    This villa area is named Huadu because of the quiet and quiet environment of the residential area, which is more beautiful than the park. The two of them were walking inside, and Quandang was visiting the garden.

    "Wow, there is actually a swing here." Zhou Ningyu was attracted by a swing placed among the flowers. The lawn leading to the swing was paved with a gravel path, surrounded by flowers of various colors, just like in a fairy tale. "This swing is so beautiful."

    Qi Mou stopped and asked her: "Do you want to sit up and sit?"

    The cleaning aunt in the community cleans public facilities every day, and the swing is clean.

    Zhou Ningyu thought it was so, but worried that the behavior was too sand-sculpted, and finally resisted: "No, I can take a picture."

    She took out the phone and took a picture on the swing, and then went to Qi Wang. Smiled and said: "Let's go."

    "Yeah." The

    two continued to move forward. During the twenty-minute journey, with the company of people around them, it seemed as if they were two minutes away.

    "This is the building." Qi Wang pushed open a garden door and led Zhou Ningyu into it. Zhou Ningyu followed him and looked around. The garden is


    organized and should be maintained by a dedicated person: "Do you live here alone?" "Hmm." "Have you ever thought of raising a dog? "

    Afraid of noise."

    "" When writing a book, I was most afraid of noise. Sometimes her neighbor's dog barked, making her want to throw the keyboard.

    The decoration of Qi Wang’s house is modern, and the color scheme is relatively cold. After Zhou Ningyu came in, he smiled and asked him: "Don’t you like pink? I thought you would paint the wall pink."

    "...that" It's not too bad." Qi Wang turned his head and looked at her, focusing on the pink shirt she was wearing today, "So your shirt..."

    Zhou Ningyu didn't wait for him to finish, so he took the lead in making excuses for herself: "I I like pink too!"

    "Oh." Qi Wang looked at her with a smile on his lips.

    Zhou Ningyu tried her best to not be embarrassed because she always remembered that as long as she was not embarrassed, it was others who were embarrassed.

    "Where is the home library you said?" Zhou Ningyu changed the subject perfectly.

    Qi Wang pointed upstairs and said to her: "It's on the third floor."

    "Oh, let's go up and take a look." Following Qi Wang's journey upstairs, Zhou Ningyu found that he still likes pink, because Each of the paintings on the corridor wall is dotted with pink, which will not conflict with his overall decoration style, and add a bit of dream.

    "Your house looks very new. Has it been newly renovated?" Zhou Ningyu asked him. Qi Wang nodded and said: "It was renovated at the beginning of the year, and I just moved in recently."

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