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    Zhou Ningyu's acting like a baby was very effective, and Qi could not stand it, and promised to accompany her to the hospital for a check-up in the morning.

    She also intimately helped her make an appointment for a doctor.

    Zhou Ning said: "..."


    After dinner, Zhou Ningyu called a car to go back by himself, but did not let Qi Wang send her off. In the car, she flicked Weibo for a while, and found that Qi Wang had just started Weibo, and it was fans who had been asking for millions of fans.

    Qi Wang posted a photo of himself when he was a trainee. The background was in the practice room. He was wearing a T-shirt and trousers and was practicing dancing. The photos are captured, and the composition is not pretty, it can even be said to be terrible, but the characters are captured very well, and the dynamic feeling of dancing is completely captured.

    This picture of Qiwang's Weibo with the word "Nineteen-year-old me" is indeed much younger than he is now, but his facial features are already very delicate. At that time, he was thinner than he is now, and he has the popular "feeling of vulnerability". Of course, the fans yelled when they saw him.

    Zhou Ningyu zoomed in on the picture and looked at Qi Wang's face. Qi Wang in the photo has no extraneous expressions, his eyes are also cold, and he looks a bit tired of the world.

    This is very different from the Qi Wang who Zhou Ningyu knew. Although he is not very enthusiastic, he still laughs often, sometimes a little cute. But when watching the show last night, Zhou Ningyu also felt that Qi Wang was always cold in front of the camera. He didn't like to communicate with his classmates, and he only had due respect for the teacher.

    Zhou Ningyu thought, this might be the person set for him by the program group and company.

    His face really fits this style.

    After giving Qi Wang's Weibo a thumbs-up, she looked at her Weibo comments. Today she published a trial reading of a thousand-word new article, and the readers were crying with joy, and they finally remembered that they were an author!

    The feedback from the trial reading was relatively good. The comments urged her to hurry up, and the publisher sent her a private message saying that she wanted to sign her new article.

    Zhou Ningyu's last book was written on the gold list, and only after she was signed by a publisher, this one was only released for a 1,000-character trial, and some publishers wanted to buy it. Zhou Ningyu has finally grown up!

    After replying to the other party to communicate directly with Pu Jiang's editor on related matters, Zhou Ningyu quit Weibo.

    Qi Wang had work the next day, and the two did not meet. Early on the third day, Zhou Ningyu went to the hospital where Qi Wang made an appointment on time.

    Speaking of this hospital, Qi Wang has carefully selected it. Not only doctors are experts in this area, but the privacy is also very good-the privacy that stars care most about.

    Zhou Ningyu thought that Qi Gou Dan was really different now.

    The two met directly at the hospital. In order to match the atmosphere, Zhou Ningyu also put on a mask for himself, and specially picked the pink one.

    Qi Wei did not follow Zhou Ningyu's imagined assistant and agent, and he was the only one sitting in the waiting room. Zhou Ningyu walked up and called him: "Qi Wang."

    Qi Wang was looking at her phone, and when he heard her voice, he looked up. Zhou Ningyu sat next to him and asked him: "

    Where is the doctor?" Qi Wang said: "I'm still seeing other patients, someone will call us at the end."

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