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    After Qi Wang finished speaking, Zhou Ningyu was given some time to calm down before he went on to say: "The person who likes to eat pears is Ye Li. The box of Sydney pears she sent you, you have eaten it for a long time; The person who said don’t engage in the relationship between master and apprentice is also Ye Li. You have to write the script and follow the team after the end of “Fairy Demon Love”. There is no plan to write a new article immediately. I wrote the same series of novels with you, using the same worldview. You agreed, and she was happy to give you the outline, but she didn't have the opportunity to write it. Also, she is the one who likes to make a boat, not you."

    When Zhou Ningyu heard it, his eyes gradually focused: "Yes, I remember she told me that her favorite writer is Mu Chengzhou, and she often talks to me about Mu Chengzhou's books. When we first started, we didn’t Too familiar, I didn’t tell her. I got acquainted with her later, but I couldn’t find a suitable opportunity. I asked her to meet that day. I wanted to tell her, but in fact I was..."

    Zhou Ningyu said this and stopped suddenly When she came down, she raised her eyes and looked at Qi Zuo in a daze.

    Qi Wang touched her head, looked at her and asked softly: "What are you?"

    "I am... Mu Chengzhou?" Zhou Ningyu said in an uncertain tone as if he was confirming.

    Then she saw Qi Wang slightly hooked the corner of her mouth, and said to her: "Yes, you are like a boat."

    Zhou Ningyu subconsciously shook Qi Wang's hand.

    She remembered that she was a dead end. In the year she graduated from junior high school, she contributed to the "Secret Garden" magazine for the first time.

    Her debut work is a short fairy tale. The editor suggested some amendments to her. After asking her to make changes, he passed the draft for her.

    "Secret Garden" has always been a popular magazine among students, and Zhou Ningyu is also a loyal reader of the magazine. She has read a lot before she gets the idea of ​​writing stories by herself. The first submission went so smoothly, she was naturally very happy, but she was not an adult at the time and did not apply for a silver bank card, so she used her brother Bai Ruiyang's identity card and a silver bank card.

    Only QQ is her own.

    At that time, she did not make it clear to the editor that the information she left belonged to her brother, which caused the magazine editors to think she was a male at first, or did she explain the misunderstanding later.

    Zhou Ningyu pays attention to privacy when she writes books, so she doesn't even open Weibo. She believes that an author only needs to use his own words to communicate with readers. In words, their world is interoperable.

    The magazine naturally respects the wishes of the authors themselves. The authors are not willing to disclose their privacy, and they will not do it. It's just that when the magazine introduced the newcomer author, it wrote "gender male" in Mu Chengzhou's profile. Later, the magazine deleted the column about gender, but it did not deliberately clarify this early misunderstanding. Because of this, some old readers may mistakenly believe that Mu Chengzhou is a man, and Ye Li is one of them.

    When she was chatting with Zhou Ningyu, she used the word "he" when she mentioned Mu Chengzhou.

    "So after I thought of myself as Ye Li, I always thought that Mu Chengzhou was a man." Zhou Ningyu slowly recalled, many things seemed to be connected, "But, how did you become Mu Chengzhou? "

    She looked at Qi Wang, as if she couldn't figure out what the relationship was.

    Qi Wang touched her head, looked at her and said: "Wait for me here, I will get something and come back soon."

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