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    "Psychological trauma?" Doctor Liao held a bibi in his hand and looked at Zhou Ningyu who was opposite. "Do you think his illness has something to do with this incident?"

    Zhou Ning said, "It should be. The accident at the time caused his mother to be lost. Fate, his father also separated from him because of this incident, and now it is said that he is practicing in a temple."

    Doctor Liao nodded and looked at Zhou Ningyu and asked, "What about you? Do you have any psychological trauma?"

    "Me?" Zhou Ningyu looked at her unexpectedly, "I didn't. My family has been very harmonious since I was a child."

    "What about my friends?"

    "Friends?" Zhou Ningyu thought for a while, "My friends and I also get along very happily. Dr. Liao , Why are you asking me this?"

    Doctor Liao smiled, and asked about Qi Wang again: "Do you think Qi Wang was traumatized because of family affairs, which eventually caused him to become ill?"

    "I'm just guessing. Zhou Ning said, "Dr. Liao, if you find Qi Wang’s father, will Qi Wang’s treatment be helpful?"

    Doctor Liao thought for a while, and said to him, “I’m not sure. It may modify some of our memories. This is also a self-protection mechanism. If the same thing is stimulated again, the patient may wake up, but it may also make the condition more serious. The key is to have the correct guidance and pay attention to the method. , Can’t do it overnight.”

    Zhou Ningyu thought for a while, nodded and said, “I see, thank you Dr. Liao.”

    After leaving the consulting room, Zhou Ningyu went to get the medicine with Qi Wang . Unlike the previous one, Dr. Liao prescribed medicine for both of them this time. Zhou Ningyu was stunned, and listened to the nurse at the pharmacy: "This is Qi Wang's medicine. This is Zhou Ningyu's medicine. Don't take it wrong."

    "Thank you." Qi Wang reached out his hand and took his medicine, and then Zhou Ningyu said. The medicine was handed to her, "Give it."

    "...Thank you." Zhou Ningyu took the medicine and glanced at his hand curiously, "What medicine do you prescribe?"

    Qi Wang said: "Recently, I may have been filming continuously, my spirits have been tight, and my sleep at night is not very good, so I asked the doctor to prescribe some medicine for me."

    "Oh." Zhou Ningyu nodded thoughtfully and smiled at Qi. He smiled, "I'm going to the bathroom, you can wait for me here."


    Zhou Ningyu carried the bag to the bathroom. After entering, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Dr. Liao: "Dr. Liao, you give me and Both Qi Wang prescribed medicine?"

    Doctor Liao: Yes, your medicine is different, so don't take it wrong.

    Zhou Ningyu: Is Qi Wang's medicine right?

    Doctor Liao: Of course, let him take it on time, and the same goes for you.

    Zhou Ningyu: What medicine did you prescribe for me?

    Doctor Liao: It's what you have been eating.

    Zhou Ningyu moved his eyebrows, opened the medicine bottle and took a look, and saw that it was filled with the kind of vitamins he usually took.

    Zhou Ningyu: Okay.

    After communicating with Doctor Liao, Zhou Ningyu walked out in relief. Qi Wang put on a mask and a peaked cap, and stood outside waiting for her. Zhou Ningyu saw him, smiled at him, and walked up and said: "Go away, Qi Wang."

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