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  The lights in the dining room were dim and ambiguous, and Qi Wang was standing beside Zhou Ningyu, her warm breath falling on her neck.

    Zhou Ningyu raised his eyes to look at his pretty face, and his heartbeat pounded faster.

    Seeing that the atmosphere of the two is getting better and better, and they will kiss each other when they get closer, the restaurant owner immediately jumped out and shouldered his mission: "You two, are you satisfied with the dishes tonight?" The

    owner is a The locals are out-and-out, but they speak a bit of crappy Chinese at the moment. Since meeting Zhou Ningyu's cousin, he has started to learn Chinese. Whenever he meets Chinese guests, he likes to use them to practice oral English.

    Because the boss suddenly appeared, Zhou Ningyu and Qi Wei quickly moved a little apart. As if dissatisfied with his interrupting his good deeds, Qi Wang rebelliously returned to him in the local language: "It's not bad, it's a little saltier." The

    boss smiled at him and replied stubbornly in Chinese: "Everyone's taste will be different. If you don't like too strong, you can tell the kitchen in advance next time."

    Qi Wang still said to him in the local language: "Help me thank the host, thank him for the longevity noodles." The

    boss used Answered him in Chinese: "Okay, he will be very happy after listening."

    Zhou Ning said: "..."

    They are two foreign friends who "want to use each other to practice oral English, but the other side thinks the same way"? ?

    What a moving learning spirit.

    After the boss had finished speaking, he left their table, and even brightened the lights here.

    He had promised Zhou Ningyu's cousin that he would never let the two of them kiss in his shop.

    ――Although he also thinks this is a bit unhumanistic, but I heard that the mysterious East is a place that cannot be described under the neck. Maybe the people there have no sex.

    Zhou Ningyu finished taking the photos and finally approved Qi Wang to cut the cake. She was assigned the largest piece, and there were many small senbei on it.

    She first picked up a piece of Xiaoguai Senbei and ate it with some cream on it: "Well, it tastes good to eat like this, creamy Xiaoguai Senbei."

    Xiaoguai Senbei hasn't launched a new flavor for a long time. , The merchant does not produce, she creates it herself.

    It is really our traditional wisdom to do it yourself.

    The cake was so big that the two of them couldn't finish eating. Symbolically, one person ate a piece. Qi Wang asked the restaurant to help him reinstall the remaining cake, so he took it away.

    When he left the restaurant, it was already past eight o'clock. Qi Wang felt that it was still early, and the boss in the store just now didn't know why he had been he thought, and then asked Zhou Ningyu to go to another place to play.

    "Why don't we go to the amusement park." Qi Wang said with a cake, and said to Zhou Ning, who was walking beside him, "There is an amusement park nearby. It will close at eleven o'clock in the evening. We can go and play for a while now."

    Zhou Ningyu subconsciously took out the phone and looked at the time on it. It was already half past eight, and she still had an hour and a half.

    "Are you okay?" Qi Wang asked her when he saw her checking the time. Zhou Ningyu shook his head and told him the truth: "My cousin told me to go back before ten o'clock."

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