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   Zhou Ningyu opened the door of the garden and walked in. Qi Wang just turned around.

    He was holding a pink watering can with a few drops of water hanging on the spout. Seeing Zhou Ningyu's words, he smiled: "Little boy, you are here."

    "Yeah." Zhou Ningyu also smiled, and walked in to see the flowers he watered, "You, this rose grows really well."

    "It's all flowers ." The craftsman usually takes good care of it." Qi Wang put the kettle in the garden, and said to Zhou Ning, "Let's go in."

    "Okay." Zhou Ningyu followed him into the house, put on slippers and went to the third floor.

    Qi Wang has sorted out part of the bookshelf, and some books are neatly stacked on the wooden floor. Zhou Ningyu put down his bag, saw a few brand-new books on the coffee table in front of the sofa, picked it up and looked at it: "Ah, it's your collection of short stories."

    Qi Wang looked back and said to her: "This It's a sample book just sent by the editor. The first volume of this collection of short stories has been republished more than a dozen times."

    Mu Chengzhou began writing short stories for magazines at the age of 15, and the first book published was also a collection of short stories. He was still in high school when the book was first printed. After so many years, the series is still selling well and reprinting.

    "It's amazing." Zhou Ningyu gazed at the book in his hand with joy, "They say that physical books are not easy to make now, but books that sell well are still selling well. The cover of this reprint is good-looking."

    Qi Wang said: "If you like it, I will give it to you."

    "Okay." Zhou Ning accepted it unceremoniously. "I'll just take one."

    Qi Wang nodded and said to her, "The book over there." I want to take it out and open it open." There was

    a folding ladder in front of the bookcase, and there were some books stacked at the feet of the ladder. Zhou Ningyu walked over and wanted to climb the ladder: "I will help you."

    Qi Wang grabbed her and pulled her aside: "I'll go up and get the book, and you can help me with your support below. It's fine."

    "Okay." Zhou Ningyu had to retreat to the second line and set up to help Qi Wang on the escalator. . Child's life.

    "Take it." Qi Wang turned sideways slightly and handed down a few books. Zhou Ningyu raised his hand to pick it up, and Qi Wang added: "Be careful, it's a bit heavy."

    "Yeah." Zhou Ningyu nodded and took the book and placed it on the floor.

    In this way, Qi Wang took down the top-most books bit by bit, and the piles of books at Zhou Ningyu's feet grew more and more. Because Zhou Ningyu kept looking up at Qi Wang and didn't pay attention to his feet, Zhou Ningyu didn't know where he was tripped, one fell down with an unstable center of gravity, and she smashed the books on the ground.

    Qi Wang was taken aback by her, and quickly put the book in his hand back to the shelf and climbed down the ladder.

    "How? Is there any injury?" Qi Wang squatted in front of Zhou Ningyu, checking whether she was injured in any way.

    Zhou Ningyu sat in the stack of books, rubbing his elbows: "No, just touched it."

    "Let me see." Qi Wang took her hand, rolled up his cuffs and looked at it, "It's a bit red, but it's not good. Wiping the skin. Did you touch

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