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    Since Zhou Ningyu finished communicating with Tao Guo, he has been deeply trapped in the whirlpool of "Qi Wang feels that he is going to kick him up."

    How could such a beautiful girl as she do such a thing!

    "..." Zhou Ningyu stared at Qi Wang's head in silence, recalling the details of when he asked him for WeChat.

    Does his expression show fear? no? But when you think about it, there seems to be a little bit more?


    Soon, her cousin came over and knocked on her: "Xiaoyu, what's wrong? Did you get hurt today?"

    Zhou Ningyu looked at the door and said in a panic: "No, I just accidentally I bumped my head!"

    "Oh..." the cousin replied dubiously, "Then you should be careful, and go directly to your cousin if you have anything."

    "Okay, good." Zhou Ningyu nodded repeatedly, and then lay quietly on the bed. .

    She was still staring at Qi Wang's WeChat, frowning lightly.

    No, I don't think Qi Wang can leave such an impression, she must find a way to remedy it!

    Zhou Ningyu gave full play to her imagination as a writer and worked out a perfect plan for herself.

    After Qi Wang returned to the company, he was called to the office by his agent and gave her a review of what happened today.

    "Who is that girl? It's too messy." When she was at the police station today, she heard the robber clamoring for an injury test. She couldn't say anything at the time, but now she couldn't help but complain, "She Aren’t you afraid of someone stabbing it?”

    Qi Wang said: “She kicked off the other’s sword first. She looked very skilled and she should have practiced it.”

    “I still think it’s too messy. Fortunately, you met today. I’m a novice, and I’m not familiar with business capabilities.” The broker was scared after thinking about it for a while, “I was scared to death when I received the call today.”

    "It's not so exaggerated." Qi Wang joked, "Sister Xiuxiu, you haven't experienced any big storms, and will you be scared by such small scenes?" The

    agent looked at him: "You have a lot of humor today. Feeling."

    Qi Wei did not speak, and the agent asked again: "When she left the police station, did that girl ask you for contact information?"


    "You gave it to her?"

    "Yeah." The

    agent said very much. Unexpectedly, Qi Wang is notoriously cold. Many young girls in the company want to chase him, but they dare not start. He actually gave his contact information to someone else today?

    "Are you interested in her?"

    Qi Wang said in Zhou Ning's words: "Everyone is a compatriot, and they are dead friends. It's not too much to add contact information."

    Agent: "..."

    Qi Wangzhen today Somewhat humorous and lively.

    She squeezed you out before she said: "Although the company does not explicitly prohibit dating, I still hope that you will put more of your attention on your career. Moreover, you have not made your official debut now, and you know that the company has spent a lot of money. The hard work is behind you, and I have high expectations for you."

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