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    "By the way, Qi Wang, did you take medicine today?" Thinking of Qi Wang being on the set today, Zhou Ningyu urged him to take medicine again. Qi Wang shook his head, and said to her: "

    I have n't eaten it today, how about you?" "I haven't yet, is your medicine on you?" Zhou Ningyu asked.

    Qi Wang nodded and took out the small portable pill box on his body: "I brought it with me."

    "That just happens, let's take the medicine!" Zhou Ningyu took out his medicine and took two cups. The water was warm and water, and Qi Zuo, one by one, "Come."

    Qi Zuo was silent for a moment, and took the water glass over.

    "What's the matter?" Zhou Ningyu saw that he looked a little weird, and looked at him and asked.

    Qi Wang smiled, and said to her: "It's nothing, I just think this scene is weird." It was

    like he and Zhou Ningyu were performing some strange ritual.

    Zhou Ningyu snorted, and felt that this scene was a little weird. If Tao Guo saw it, he would definitely say that they were crazy lovers.

    But in order to cure the disease, I can't control so much.

    "Come on, I'll take it first for respect." Zhou Ningyu swallowed the medicine with water. Seeing that she had eaten it, Qi Wang swallowed the pill himself.

    Both of them were tired for a day. After taking the medicine, Zhou Ningyu hurried Qi Meng back to the room to sleep. Qi Meng kissed her again before leaving her room.

    When I saw Zhou Ningyu again on the set the next day, Qi Wang put on Demon Zun's costume again, with an indifferent expression, and I could tell that he kissed her lingeringly in her room last night.

    The coordinator of the crew came to Zhou Ningyu, and when she saw Qi Wang, she couldn't help but whispered: "Qi Wang is really handsome. A real person has better temperament than watching on TV. I dare not stand beside him!"

    Zhou Ningyu also looked in Qi Wang's direction and nodded: "It's quite bluff to look at."

    "What is watching? The director praises him for a good life!"

    Zhou Ningyu's eyebrows lightly twitched, and turned his head to look at her: "Good life?"


    "...I guess you want to say that he plays well."

    "It's almost the same!"

    "..." Okay! Is his life good? She hasn't tried it yet!

    No, what is she thinking? It must be too boring to be in the crew, and she will slowly fill her mind with yellow waste.

    "Then what, what can you do for me?" Zhou Ningyu coughed softly and threw out some charming thoughts in his mind. When the coordinator heard her asking, she came back to her senses: "Oh, yes, I'm arrogant, and I almost forgot to do business." After

    she said that, she smiled at Zhou Ningyu. As soon as Zhou Ningyu saw her smile, she didn't think so. Good premonition.

    She laughed like this every time she wanted to tell her something bad. :)

    "Don't laugh, just tell me if you have any bad news." Zhou Ningyu pursed her lips and looked at her firmly.

    The coordinating lady laughed twice before she said: "Isn't there a puppet show tonight? The script is a big scene with many puppets."

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