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   After Zhou Ningyu said this, Qi Wang turned his head to look at her. Zhou Ningyu let out a soft cough, she thought she should also learn to wear a mask, and at this time she would be able to hold his gaze calmly.

    "I'm going to throw away the trash." Zhou Ningyu ran to a trash can and threw the juice cup and popcorn bucket in his hand.

    Qi Wang stood in the corridor waiting for her, his eyes following her all the time. Zhou Ningyu ran back after throwing out the garbage and smiled at him. Qi Wang's eyes moved slightly, and Zhou Ningyu rarely saw a trace of cramp in his eyes: "Or, see me at my house next time."

    Zhou Ningyu was taken aback, and on the second date, should he go directly to the other party's house?

    It turns out that Qi Wang is such a straight boy!

    "Your home?" She looked at Qi Mou and asked.

    Qi Wang staggered her gaze slightly as if embarrassed, and nodded: "Well, I made a family library at home and want you to see it."

    "Family library?" Zhou Ningyu froze for a while, eyes Then Yiliang said, "This is great! To tell you the truth, I also wanted to build a family library at home before."

    Qi Wang asked, "Do you want to see it?"

    "Of course!" Zhou Ning said. promise.

    Qi Wang looked at her, and a little smile slowly appeared in his eyes: "Then let's make an appointment."

    "Okay, you can choose a time that is convenient for you." Zhou Ning was excited, and then thought that Qi Wang was. Asked her to visit the library, because her mind was dirty.

    "I can do it for these two days." Qi thought for a while, and asked her, "Otherwise, tomorrow, right?"

    "Yes." Zhou Ningyu walked out with him and asked secretly, "Where do you live?" "

    Don't look at her being very active in chasing Qi Wang, in fact, this is the first time she has inquired where the boys live.

    Qi Wang said: "Huadu, I will send you the address later."

    "Wow, that's the villa area." Zhou Ningyu learned about the good real estate in City A because of the previous purchase. She also visited Huadu where Qi Wang lived, although the area of ​​the villa is larger than that of several villas on the outskirts of the city. It's small, but it's close to the city. She looked satisfied, and liked their greening even more, and lived up to the word "Huadu". It's just that even if she buys a villa with her contribution fee, she doesn't have the money to renovate it.

    It seems that Mu Chengzhou has made a lot of money after writing books for so many years.

    As if knowing what she was thinking, Qi Wang explained: "I didn't buy the house, but my mother left it to me."

    "Oh." Zhou Ningyu nodded, she felt that the word "stay" seemed to have Many explanations, but she didn't have much to ask.

    After leaving the cinema, the two did not go anywhere else, and Qi Wang drove her back home directly. After reaching the gate of the community, Qi Wang looked inside, Zhou Ningyu took the initiative to introduce to her: "I just bought this house not long ago. I just moved in this year and live with my good friend."

    Qi Wang responded and asked her: "Why don't you live at home?"

    "Hey, my mother at home keeps me in charge. There are three more..." Zhou Ningyu said here and stopped the car in time. "I just want some free creative space. Okay, it’s not far from my house. If you want to go back, you can go back anytime."

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