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    In the end, the two bodyguards at the door still failed to stop their eldest lady Zhou Ningyu.

    Zhou Ningyu followed Qi Wang into the room, and the two bodyguards guarded the door, paying close attention to the movement in the room. Because the two of them are too like two door gods, Xiao Zhang, who came to talk about work together, quietly turned around.

    In the room, Qi Wang took a shower, did not care about blowing his hair, put a big towel on his head, wiped the hair with water, and walked out of the bathroom; "Little boy, what's wrong with you looking for me? Is it?"

    Zhou Ningyu used to avoid entering his room in the crew. Today is so enthusiastic, he doesn't think it is because he wants to do something with him.

    When Zhou Ningyu was taking a shower, Zhou Ningyu stubbornly typed the script again, but when she saw it, she almost forgot what she thought about it, and only stared at him dumbfoundedly: "Qi Lan Qi, You are so fragrant."

    Qi Wang: "..."

    His little boy is a little silly.

    Qi Wang walked over in his nightgown, took Zhou Ningyu's hand and sat down on the sofa: "Have you taken the medicine today?"

    "Not yet."

    "Then take the medicine first, and then say something after taking the medicine."

    "Okay." Zhou Ningyu took out the small pill box he carried in his bag, and Qi Meng took a cup of hot water to her and told her to eat it. Zhou Ningyu obediently swallowed the medicine, and went to see

    Qi Wang : "You have to take it too." "Yeah." Qi Wang picked up the medicine bottle on the table and threw a few medicines into his mouth. He was not so particular about taking medicine himself, so he unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and swallowed the pills.

    When Zhou Ningyu saw him taking the medicine, he patted the position

    beside him , raised his eyes and looked at him: "You sit here." Qi Mou hooked his lips, walked to her and sat down. Zhou Ningyu turned slightly to his side, looking at him seriously, but did not speak, as if he was organizing language.

    Qi Wang did not urge, he turned his head to look at her and waited patiently.

    "Qi Wang." Zhou Ningyu, as if finally thinking about what to say, called him.

    "Huh?" Qi Wang's throat came out with low, monosyllable words, unspeakably sexy, and Zhou Ning's words were a little awkward. She calmed her mind secretly, then she held his hand on the sofa and looked at him and said: "I have something to tell you, but you can't be angry. Especially you can't be angry with me."

    Qi Wei She smiled and held her hand instead. Zhou Ningyu’s hand was much smaller than Qi Wang’s. Qi Wang grabbed her hand in his palm, nodded and said: "Okay." With

    his assurance, Zhou Ningyu spoke: "When I went to see Liu Fang last time, I listened. He said what happened to you before."

    Qi Wang's eyebrows moved, with some obvious displeasure, but he said nothing. Zhou Ningyu carefully observed his expression, and continued to say, "I checked the news about the incident on the Internet, and I saw you..."

    Zhou Ningyu said, his voice was as low as a mosquito calling: "Your father "

    Zhou Ningyu obviously felt that Qi Wang's hand holding her tightened a lot, making her a little painful. But she didn't yell, but she couldn't help but worry about Qi Wang: "Sorry, I did this on my own terms, but I talked to Dr. Liao last time. Maybe your illness has something to do with this matter. Still need heart medicine, I think..."

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