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    Zhou Ningyu slept very comfortably this night, and when he woke up, the sky was clear.

    She stretched lazily, and saw that Qi Wei was not by her side, she put on her slippers and went downstairs to look for him.

    Qi Wang was sitting on the sofa in the living room, talking on the phone. He was wearing Zhou Ningyu's nightgown of the same style, but the color was not as matte as hers, and it was a restrained light gray. Seeing Zhou Ning's words come down, he nodded to her, said a few more words to the person on the other end of the phone, and then hung up.

    "Wake up?" Qi Wang walked over and pulled Zhou Ningyu to the dining room to sit down, "I'm making porridge, do I want to eat some?"

    "Okay." Zhou Ningyu nodded, and when Qi Wang walked towards the kitchen, he turned around. He lay down on the back of the chair and looked at him, "Qi Wang, who were you

    talking to just now?" Qi Wang turned off the small fire that had been simmering porridge, and the spoon was filled with a bowl: "Sister Xiuxiu, she is talking to me say something to work after "

    Zhou Ning language micro surprised at him:" you just come out from the crew, she began to make arrangements for the work it "? "

    ah. "Qi jump carrying his porridge, came out from the kitchen, will The bowl and spoon were placed in front of Zhou Ningyu, "I was in the crew before, and I have not taken any other work. I have accumulated a lot of work."

    "That's it."

    "But don't worry, I don't have a job today. I can stay with you all day. "

    Zhou Ning language coursing to Gogo mouth, holding a spoon ready porridge, Qi remind her next jump:." be careful hot, blowing about drink "

    ." well, "Zhou Ning language should be a cry, holding a spoon blew" Qi Wang, don't you eat it?"

    "I've already eaten it just now." Qi Wang stretched his head with one hand, and looked at Zhou Ningyu, "I see you eat it."

    His eyes were so strong that people couldn't ignore it. Zhou Ningyu was stared at by him for a while, and his face flushed slightly: "You look at me like this, I can't concentrate on eating."

    Qi Wang smiled and asked her: "Why, I just looked at you. It can distract you."

    "..." Zhou Ningyu simply put down the spoon in his hand, and looked at him with one hand as he did. "Then you can feel it too." The

    two looked at each other for a while, and Qi Wang took the lead He looked away and said, "Okay, I won't look at you anymore."

    Zhou Ningyu seemed to have won a battle, curled his lips triumphantly, and started drinking porridge again.

    Qi Wang raised his hand and pulled the long hair from her side face behind her ears, and said softly to her, "Didn't you say that you want to go for hypnotherapy? Dr. Liao has time today. Would you like to try it?"

    Zhou Ningyu was stunned, and then nodded: "Okay, I always wanted to come, but

    I was too busy a while ago." "Well, I'm also afraid that I will start working later and I won't have time to accompany you."

    Zhou Ningyu was a while ago. I have been taking medicine as prescribed by my doctor, and my condition is relatively stable, and I have never relapsed. But she also didn't remember what she had forgotten.

    She doesn't remember what happened before them, Qi Wang will naturally lose, but sometimes he thinks that maybe he can't remember it, because some things are too cruel to her.

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