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    Probably Qi Wang said these words too loudly, and the living room became quiet for a while.

    Everyone's eyes fell on him, Zhou Ningyu also looked at him. Although she was also with Qi Wang for the purpose of marrying him, she felt a bit early to get married now.

    "Qi Wang, I don't think you need to worry." Zhou Ningyu said to him, "You are now on the rise, marriage will definitely affect you. We are still so young now, as long as we have this plan, we don't have to get married right now. "

    Qi Wang's thoughts are different from hers: "We are all over the legal age for marriage, and it is not too early to get married. Since we will end sooner or later, it is better to start preparing now."

    "..." Zhou Ningyu felt this. The plot is a bit wrong, why is Qi Wang different from other artists! "Fans have indeed become more tolerant of celebrities in love in recent years, but generally you have to wait until you are about 30 years old when you get married, otherwise your fans will say you are in love again! And now getting married, you might have to give up your endorsement!"

    It’s not that important for Qi Wang to lose the endorsement. He pays more attention to another sentence Zhou Ningyu said: “Wait until thirty? This age is indeed more acceptable to fans, but I can’t accept it. I’m only 23 years old this year. You have to wait seven years until you reach thirty."

    Seven years is too long and too long.

    Hearing what Zhou Ningyu said, he felt that seven years seemed to be a bit long, let alone Qi Wang, she might not be able to wait.

    "Then let's get married quietly?" Zhou Ning weakly suggested, "There are many hidden marriage stars in the entertainment industry, right?"

    "I don't agree." Bai Ruiyang immediately raised his objection, "How long are you going to get hidden marriage? Ten years old? If we want to get married, we must get married. Our family is not wronged."

    "..." Zhou Ningyu listened to his tone and thought it was him who wanted hidden marriage. "Brother, I know you are for my good, but You also have to consider Qi Miao's situation. Besides, his company may not agree with him to marry."

    "I will tell the company myself." Qi Miao gently held Zhou Ningyu's hand, "I don't approve of it either. Hidden marriage."

    "Then this matter is settled." Zhou's mother gave a final word, "I will call Lao Zhou and ask him to come back from the army. Let's have a meal together."

    Qi Wang's situation, Zhou's mother has long been. Knowing it well, his mother passed away in an accident, and his father hid in the deep mountains and old forests because of this, and the two have not had any contact. The relatives Qi Wang has been in contact with are his grandpa and grandmother. The two elderly people do not live in City A. She thinks it is more appropriate for them to visit the two elderly people in the past.

    Zhou Ningyu was about to touch her dad when she heard it, and she was a little nervous: "I think it's enough to call my dad. You don't need to be so excited."

    Zhou Ningyu glanced at her and smiled at her: "Your second elder brother. Brother is coming back from abroad the day after tomorrow. Just so, I called them both, and we have dinner together."

    Zhou Ning said: "..."

    She couldn't help but toss the corner of her mouth, worried for Qi Wang.

    "The people in our family are so crowded, aren't you afraid if you are alone?" Zhou Ningyu was still asking him when he was drinking tea with Qi Wang in the garden.

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