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    Chen Qingyang felt that her logic was flawless.

    "So you are not happy because he has a girlfriend?" Chen Qingyang looked at her with a very exaggerated expression, "I thought you just liked his books, but I didn't expect that you are greedy for his body."

    Zhou Ning said: "..."

    She grunted, turned over and ignored Chen Qingyang.

    Chen Qingyang raised his hand and patted her quilt: "I brought something to eat, would you like to get up and eat some?"

    "No, I will sleep first."

    "All right." Chen Qingyang also changed his clothes. Lie down on the bed, "There is a lecture in the hotel at 2:30 in the afternoon. It is at the opening ceremony in the morning. The authors of the local writers association must go. Other authors can go to the exhibition. If you feel uncomfortable, just stay in your room. "

    Okay." Zhou Ningyu replied and closed his eyes again.

    After sleeping and waking up, Zhou Ningyu felt a lot more relaxed. She checked the time, it was past three o'clock, and Chen Qingyang was not in the room, so she should have gone to participate in the interview.

    Zhou Ningyu got out of bed to wash, ate some bread that Chen Qingyang brought back, changed his clothes, and planned to go to the exhibition.

    The hotel they live in is very large, and there are two special exhibition buildings, which they usually rent out to hold various exhibitions. The exhibition halls of this literary week are also in these two buildings.

    Zhou Ningyu originally wanted to go to the interview area to see if Chen Qingyang's interview was over, but when he walked, he walked to the exhibition hall of Skyworth Culture.

    Backed by Guangrong Group, Skyworth Culture operates three well-known magazines, including "Mistry" where Lucky Heart is and "Secret Garden" where Mu Chengzhou is located.

    Unlike the well-known mystery novelist, Mu Chengzhou made his debut in fairy tales.

    When Mu Chengzhou was fifteen years old, he contributed his first manuscript to The Secret Garden. "Secret Garden" is not a special fairy tale publication, but it is also a book for teenagers, with a special fairy tale section.

    Mu Chengzhou probably belongs to that kind of talented writer, and his first novel for the magazine was successfully adopted. After that, he wrote several short stories about fairy tales in succession, and the feedback from readers was very good. The editor of the magazine simply signed him and became the regular author.

    Later, Mu Chengzhou became more and more famous. Not only did he set up a column in "Secret Garden", he also wrote a novel, which sold well after publication.

    Even if his story is not a fairy tale, it is full of romantic imagination. As he grows older, his works begin to reflect some cruel aspects of human nature-but even when writing dark things, he uses his unique romantic brushstrokes to gently show them in front of readers.

    Every time Zhou Ningyu reads his works, he will feel that this is such a warm person.

    In her imagination, Mu Chengzhou should have a round face, smile warmly, and look harmless to humans and animals.

    However, in reality, the image of becoming a boat is completely contrary to her imagination.

    He looks cold and indifferent, but he will buy physiology supplies for her unknown. Really an elusive person.

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