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   Tao Guo laughed loudly after listening.

    Zhou Ningyu took the cup and stood by and looked at her: "You are still smiling, see if your pony tail has become thinner recently?"

    "..." Tao Guo's laughter stopped abruptly.

    I don't want to be friends with Zhou Ningyu anymore. :)

    This idea was quickly dispelled after she saw a pile of chocolates on the table: "What is this? The specialty you brought back from H city?"

    "Almost, I bought a lot of them, you can take these to eat If you can’t finish eating, share with colleagues.”

    Tao Guo took apart the chocolates and exclaimed, “As expected, Miss Zhou,

    she ’s a generous shot!” “So average.” Zhou Ningyu sat next to her and said to her, “I am The second and third brothers are going to Dubai, and now we provide purchasing services. Do you have anything you want to buy?"

    "There are a lot of things you want to buy , but poverty does not allow me to think about it." Tao Guo ate a piece of chocolate and said sadly. "I'd better eat chocolate, only chocolate is sweet."

    "Nonsense, butter cake is also sweet." As Zhou Ningyu was talking, the phone rang again, and she quickly took it over and took a look.

    Qi Wang: Let's go to Yingting to eat Japanese food.

    Zhou Ningyu: Okay! noon?

    Qi Wang: Yes.

    Zhou Ningyu: Then we will stop by to watch a movie in the afternoon?

    Qi Wang: Hao

    Zhou Ningyu was sitting on the sofa holding his phone and stomping his feet. Tao Guo, who was next to him, was stunned for a moment: "What's your sudden nervousness?"

    "I have an appointment with the male god to have a meal and watch a movie!" Zhou Ningyu put his phone on the phone. Pass it to the fugitive Taoguo. Tao Guo finished reading her chat history and patted Zhou Ningyu's shoulder: "You can, go for a training session and earn a boyfriend."

    "Boyfriend?" Zhou Ningyu smiled secretly, covering his face. For a while, Pia slapped Tao Guo, "I hate it, it's not there yet."

    Tao Guo: "..."

    Is this the power of love? Sure enough, it hurts more than she usually hits.

    "I'm going to take a bath." Tao Guo put down the chocolate in her hand and walked quickly on her slippers.

    Zhou Ningyu's master bedroom has a bathroom, and there is a public bathroom next to his side bedroom. Tao Guo used the public bathroom. She opened the door after taking a shower. She saw Zhou Ningyu in pajamas standing outside and winking at her: "Xiao Guoguo."

    Tao Guo: "..."

    "Sister Zhou , If you have something to say, I am afraid of you." Tao Guo stepped back, wishing to lock the bathroom door backwards. Zhou Ningyu took a step forward, holding the door domineeringly, preventing her from moving, "You said I and Qi Wang, is this a date?"

    "Forget it, absolutely." Tao Guo nodded. Pound garlic.

    Zhou Ningyu's face was distressed: "Then what do you think I should wear tomorrow? I am already nervous now."

    "..." Tao Guo said, "I think you are as beautiful as usual."

    "Will that look like that." I don't take it too seriously?"

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