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    After Qi Wang said this, Zhou Ningyu's brain went down for a second.

    live here?

    Does it mean to spend the night here with Qi Wang?

    Over or overnight? !

    She had too many things in her brain.

    She hates herself for knowing so much.

    Seeing that her eyes were blank but her micro expression was very rich, Qi Wang couldn't help but curl her lower lips very shallowly: "Don't worry, I didn't want to do anything strange. There are many rooms here, you can pick one you like."

    Zhou Ningyu heard it. He recovered from his words, and subconsciously quibbleed: "I didn't think of anything weird."

    Qi Wang smiled: "Then you go to choose a room."

    "Okay." Zhou Ningyu took two steps and then returned. I turned around and looked at him, "What if I saw your room?"

    Qi Wang looked at her, his eyebrows raised invisibly, "Are you looking at the room where I'm in, or the room without me."

    "...Forget it, when I haven't asked!" Zhou Ningyu dropped this sentence and ran upstairs.

    There are not as many bedrooms in this villa as Qi Wang said. After all, the entire third floor was used by him as a family library. The first floor is the guest dining room and kitchen. Zhou Ningyu can choose from, and it is also on the second floor.

    Qi Wang's master bedroom was on the second floor. Zhou Ningyu had already seen it by closing the window just now. His room was clean and tidy. There was a large cloakroom. When his eyes touched the soft bed in the room, Zhou Ningyu silently closed the door and walked out.     She finally chose the side lying next to the Qiwang room, which is not as big as the master bedroom, but it is also very clean. Zhou Ningyu had some recognition of the bed. She lay on the bed in the room and tried it, and she felt that it was almost the same as when she slept in her own bed.     She gave a weird "Huh" and opened the bed sheet to take a look. At this time, she realized that this mattress was the same as the one in her home. No wonder she didn't feel awkward at all when she slept!

    "I've chosen it, it's the one next to your room." Zhou Ningyu ran downstairs and said to Qi Wang, "Qi Wang, I found our mattresses are of the same type!"

    Qi Wang sat on the sofa and looked up. She: "You even looked at my mattress?"

    "...I'm just wondering why I'm so familiar when I fall asleep." Zhou Ningyu said, a bit distressed, "but when I came, I didn't expect to spend the night here. I didn't bring any toiletries."

    "I have them here. I still have a mask. Would you like to use it?"

    "... Okay ." As an international superstar, he lives more delicately than ordinary boys.

    Because Zhou Ningyu didn't bring pajamas, Qi Wang gave her a T-shirt of his own. Zhou Ningyu took a shower and put on a brand-new T-shirt. He felt that the plot was very familiar. Usually after a girlfriend puts on his boyfriend's large T-shirt, something indescribable will happen.

    In order to avoid the disharmony for a while, Zhou Ningyu rushed back to his room after taking a shower and did not stay outside. Qi Wang didn't call her either, and went back to the room by himself.     It was still windy and rainy outside, Zhou Ningyu lay in the bed, only then remembered to send a message to Tao Guo: "Guo Guo Guo, the wind and rain are too great tonight, I will go back tomorrow."     Tao Guo answered her almost in seconds: "Then you today Where to stay at night?"     Zhou Ning said: Qi Wang's house.     Tao Guo: ...have you reached this point?     Zhou Ningyu: We slept in two different rooms [smiling]     Tao Guo: I don't believe it:)     Zhou Ningyu: Harm, I don't believe that I am so pure-hearted.     Zhou Ningyu: Should I let Qi Wang lock the door at night to prevent me from sneaking in in the middle of the night?     Tao Guo: ...Good night, I also washed and slept     Zhou Ningyu holding the phone for a long time, but finally did not send a message to Qi Wang. Wouldn't it be bad if she really wanted to sneak into his room at night and couldn't get in again?

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