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    Zhou Ningyu and Ye Li had an appointment that day. She wanted to accompany her to eat some delicious food, buy something she liked, and she should feel better.

    She also brought a book of her own publication, intending to tell her that she was actually a dead end.

    They met at two o'clock in the appointment, and there was a traffic jam on the road. Zhou Ningyu originally wanted to call Ye Li and asked her to wait for herself for a while, but they just called. Zhou Ningyu talked with him all the way until the driver drove her to Starlight Department Store.

    Zhou Ningyu was holding the paper bag with the book in his hand, and while closing the car door, he said to Qi Wang, "Okay, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to date my little sister."

    Qi Wang asked on the phone, "It's you last time. Did you tell me about Ye Li?”

    “Yes, she’s been in a bad mood recently, so I want to ask her out to go shopping.”

    Qi Wang heard Zhou Ning’s talk about Ye Li’s encounter with extreme readers. If an author meets him, he will For the second one, he was a little worried about Zhou Ning’s words: “Can’t you block a reader site like this? I searched it last time, and that reader is still commenting on her post. If you encounter it too What should such readers do?" The

    current Internet environment is that everyone is very impetuous, and they can quarrel on the Internet for small things.

    Zhou Ningyu walked in, and said to him: "The author of the black system has mentioned it many times on the forum, but the management has not responded. This kind of thing is not only encountered by Ye Li, and she will not be the last. One..."

    She had just said this, and there was a sudden "boom" in front, as if something heavy had fallen off.

    Before Zhou Ningyu could react, screams of the crowd sounded outside the mall.

    Qi Wang heard Zhou Ningyu's commotion through his mobile phone, and suddenly asked her nervously, "Little boy, what's the matter? What happened to you?"

    Zhou Ningyu's phone was still in his ear, but he stared blankly. Looking ahead, it seemed that he hadn't heard the voice of Qi Wang on the phone.

    A security guard rushed out of the mall and was busy evacuating the crowd to maintain order. Zhou Ningyu only felt that everything seemed to be far away from him. Other people and things seemed to have become slow motion, while the people lying on the ground in front of them were Very clear.

    Bright red blood kept flowing out of her body, as if it was endless. Her hair covered half of her face, and her head was facing Zhou Ningyu's direction.

    He looked at her with straight eyes.

    A layer of cold sweat leaked from the palm of Zhou Ningyu's palms, and he drank a sip of the hot milk Qi Meng handed over: "What happened later? How did I leave there?"

    Qi Meng waited for her face to improve, and then said: "You were there that day. We fainted at the scene, and the hospital contacted us. But from that day on, your mental state had some problems. At first, you locked yourself in the room all day, doing nothing and not eating much. We brought You went to Dr. Liao to see the illness once, but it didn’t help much. We were always worried, but one day you came out of the house by yourself.”

    Zhou Ningyu moved his eyebrows and asked him: “I’m going to attend the funeral. Was it that day?"

    "Yes." Qi Wang nodded, "In the first few days of the incident, the media covered the matter overwhelmingly, but after three days, basically no one on the Internet talked about it anymore. "When

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