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   Zhou Ningyu swears that no one can bear the words of love with this handsome face.

    Qi Wang's short words made her feel sour and only sweet.

    Yan Gou's happiness is so simple.

    She looked at Qi Wang, and quickly leaned forward and kissed him on his lips: "You look good, and everything you say is right."

    Qi Wang embraced her waist, pulled her back, bowed his head and kissed her. Lips.

    Every time Zhou Ningyu kissed Qi Meng, he would withdraw quickly after touching her, but it was different when Qi Meng kissed her. He seemed to be tasting a delicacy, always delicate and gentle, conquering her little by little.

    Zhou Ningyu didn't know when he was hugged by Qi Wang and sat on the console. Qi Wang put his hands on her side and locked her in his arms. His kiss left her lips a little, and slowly went down, pecking her chin little by little.

    Zhou Ningyu had no power to resist, and even the frequency of breathing was completely affected by Qi Wang. Qi Wang's lips moved down a little more, and gently wiped them from her neck. The tip of his nose inadvertently touched her sensitive and fragile side neck, as if accidentally, and as if he was smelling the sweet scent that belonged to her.

    Zhou Ningyu felt that she was about to die, Qi Wang was too upset, and she couldn't stand such a strong stimulus.

    As if aware that Zhou Ningyu was on the verge of collapse, Qi Wang finally stopped. He looked at Zhou Ningyu with deep eyes, with sporadic smiles in his eyes: "Don't tease me casually in the future."

    "..." Zhou Ningyu really wanted to make a swearing like Liu Fang just now, who is it!

    Qi Wang held her waist and hugged her from the console: "There is only wine at home, I will go down and buy some drinks."

    "Oh." Zhou Ningyu responded blankly, and chased her out again. Go and buy, you prepare hot pot."

    Qi thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, there is a convenience store not far downstairs."

    "I know." Zhou Ningyu took his bag and changed his shoes, opened the door and walked out. Zhou Ningyu breathed a sigh of relief after leaving Qi Wang's house.

    She took the phone and crackled and sent a message to Tao Guo: "What should I do if my boyfriend is too fucking? I felt like I was going to have a nosebleed when he kissed me just now!"

    Tao Guo: "..."

    Tao Guo: Suggest to break up [smile ]

    Zhou Ning language: [smiling]

    she put away the phone, pressed the elevator downstairs.

    The convenience store of Qi Wangshuo is a few hundred meters away from the gate of the community, and it is very convenient to buy small things. Zhou Ningyu pushed the door in, and saw Liu Fang eating instant noodles sitting on the chair by the window.

    Zhou Ningyu said: "..."

    Liu Fang: "..." After the

    two were speechless for two seconds, Zhou Ningyu took the lead to speak: "It's miserable."

    Liu Fang: "..."

    He swallowed the instant noodles in his mouth and drank the beer at hand: "No one will go home anyway, and the instant noodles are the same everywhere."

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