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    When Qi Wang returned to the hotel room, the room was completely dark. He brought the door and was about to insert the room card, when the candlelight suddenly lit up inside.

    Qi Wang was stunned. Zhou Ningyu was holding a small cake and came out from it: "Dangdangdang! Congratulations to the international superstar Qi Wang, happy birthday!"

    Qi Wang took the room card and put it down, looking at Zhou Ningyu who was opposite the candlelight and smiled. I got up: "Why do you think I'm here to visit?"

    "Be grounded." Zhou Ningyu held the cake and said, "Make a wish and blow the candle."

    Qi Wang said, "Now it is the only one. the light source, blew the house was dark, "

    Zhou Ning looked at him blinked language:" Do you still afraid of the dark ah "?

    Qi jump, raising his hand knock on her forehead:" I am worried that you are afraid. " "

    I'm afraid you are up to no good on Is it?"

    "..." I only taught her not to drive with him just yesterday, so I teased him again today? Qi Wang put his arm around Zhou Ningyu's waist with one hand, and looked at her with a low smile: "You said that, I really want to."

    "..." Zhou Ningyu sent the cake to him, and Qi Wang instinctively pulled her with her. Drive a little distance.

    "Hurry up and make a wish and blow out the candles, and the candles will be burned out later." Because this is a small birthday cake specially prepared by Zhou Ningyu for Qi Zuo, the candle is only a short one, and it won't last long.

    Qi Wang didn't tease her anymore, he made a wish with his hands folded as she requested, and then blew out the candle.

    The moment the candle was blown out, many star lights suddenly lit up in the room.

    "Happy birthday!" Zhou Ningyu said to Qi Wang with a smile.

    Looking at the star lights suddenly lit in the room, Qi Wang unexpectedly asked Zhou Ning: "How did you do it?"

    Zhou Ning said, "The remote control."

    "...oh." Qi Wang raised his hand and rubbed it. Her head, "It's pretty romantic."

    "Of course, you don't even look at what I do." Zhou Ningyu raised his head and chested out, "I am a writer of romance novels."

    Qi Miu smiled and took the cake from her hand and led her into the house. "Let’s eat the cake first."

    "Okay." Zhou Ningyu followed him to the sofa and sat down, and handed the cake knife to Qi Wang, "You come to cut the cake."

    "Okay." This cake is not big, Qi Wang Cut directly from the middle, thinking of him and Zhou Ningyu half and half. Unexpectedly, after cutting it, the shape of a heart could still be seen in the cake. Qi Wang put down the knife and picked up the phone: "Don't eat first, I'll take a picture."

    "Okay." Zhou Ningyu laughed twice." Isn't this cake nice? I specially asked the boss to take care of it."

    "It's really good." Qi Wang took a good picture, and then he forkped a piece of cake and fed it to Zhou Ningyu's mouth, "How does it taste."

    Zhou Ning said. He opened his mouth and ate the cake with one bite: "Well, it's delicious, it's fruity inside, and the mousse is also smooth."

    Qi Wang took the opportunity to fork another piece of cake and put it in his mouth: "Well, good Eat."

    Zhou Ningyu wanted to remind him that pressing a fork was the one she had just used, but it was thought that the two had kissed each other, and sharing a fork seemed to be nothing at all.

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