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    Zhou Ningyu has seen Qi Wang's figure, but she hasn't experienced his skills yet.

    She smiled at the coordinator sister, and asked her awkwardly and politely: "What is it that you came to me here?"

    "Oh, I almost forgot about the business." The coordinator gave her a kick and said to Zhou Ning, " Isn’t the crew going to celebrate Teacher Qi’s birthday today? Everyone had better be present. I saw that you never came, so I called you. As a result, no one answered your phone. I’m worried that something happened to you, so I came here to take a look."

    Zhou Ningyu looked at the phone on the table, and smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, I kept my phone in the room last night, so I didn't receive it."

    "Understand." He raised his head and patted her hands, "It's

    okay if you are fine, then you pack up and go to the set, the birthday event is about to begin." "Okay, good." Zhou Ningyu stood up and sent the coordinator to leave, not forgetting I asked, "What happened today..."

    "Don't worry, I     will lose my memory on the spot when I walk out of this door!"

    Zhou Ning said: "..." As

expected, it's a coordinator, I'm so good at being a human being.

    "Thank you." She was too lazy to explain, thanking the coordinator with a smile.

    "No need, Teacher Zhou, hurry up." The coordinating lady waved her hand and left her room.

    After sending off the coordinator, Zhou Ningyu leaned on the back of the door and exhaled. Fortunately, what I met today was the coordinating lady. If I met someone with a lax mouth, I still don't know what to be told.

    Yesterday, she was careless, and it would be better to be more cautious afterwards.

    She went to the toilet to wash up, put on makeup briefly, and walked back to the room to get her bag and mobile phone. She walked in a hurry last night, with nothing, and the computer was still on. She glanced at the laptop on the bed and walked over to turn on the screen.

    The display page still stayed on the page of the Haijiao Forum. She refreshed it and found that her building was actually HOT. There are a lot of replies below, most of them agree with the previous leader and suggest that she break up. Someone left a message in the building and gave her some treatment suggestions.

    "General should have incentives like this, right? If you clear incentives are not helpful in treating it?"

    "The landlord tried psychiatrist not? May be caused by psychological problems."

    Across the cable who do not know the opposite is For anyone, the treatment recommendations they give may not be reliable. Zhou Ningyu felt that he still had to listen to the doctor, but the cause...Is it related to Qi Wang's ex-girlfriend?

    Could it be that the breakup with his ex-girlfriend caused a psychological shadow on Qi Wang?

    There are still many replies in the building, and Zhou Ningyu didn’t have time to read them one by one. She found the previous floor master and replied to her,

    "Hello, floor master, I know that you say this for my own good, but I really love me. Boyfriend, so I won’t break up with him. Maybe as you said, I will be painful and desperate in the future, but if I give up on him now, this matter will become a thorn that will always stick in my heart. You will be uncomfortable for the rest of your life. You are a brave person, and I will cheer up with you. Although this disease is difficult to treat, it is not impossible to cure it. As long as we persist, a miracle may happen to us someday Already? ^_^ I hope your mother can recover soon. ^_^"

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