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    When Zhou Ningyu went down the mountain, the car that sent her was still waiting for her.

    Because this place is not easy to take a taxi, she specifically told the driver and waited for her for a while.

    The driver stood outside the car to rest. Seeing her back, he helped her open the door: "Is it time to go back to the city?"

    "Well, thank you." Zhou Ningyu thanked him, and got in the car. On the way back, her mood has been relatively low, and she still failed to convince Qi Wang's father in the end.

    After the accident three years ago, Qi Wang's father also regretted it very much. The death of Qi Wang's mother finally made him sober. After he returned to China, he quit his job, found a way to escape from the world, and sought inner peace in that small temple.

    Qi Meng hasn't contacted him since then, knowing that Qi Meng hates himself, he doesn't take the initiative to look for Qi Meng.

    Zhou Ningyu felt panic in her heart, this incident was changed to her by Qi Wang, and she shouldn't forget it so easily. But if this knot is not opened, Qi Wang's illness has been bad, what should I do?

    She wanted her to find a chance to probe Qi Wang's tone first, as long as he didn't mind his father, she believed that his father would definitely not miss him.

    After making up his mind in this way, Zhou Ningyu opened the phone calendar, thinking about picking a day to visit the crew.

    Qi Wanglu recorded the show until midnight. He didn't even have time to return home. He only slept in the hotel for a while, and then returned to the crew after dawn. After the previous issue of "Registration for Freshmen" was broadcast, the program finally announced that in the next issue, he would go to the Drama Academy in City A to take an acting class with a famous teacher.

    The famous teacher did not show up in the trailer. The program team used flower characters to make a mystery, but it was enough to attract people's attention.

    The audience may not know the famous teachers of the Drama Academy in City A, but there are many actors there, and the audience is familiar with them. Then I didn’t know where the news came out. Some netizens vowed to break the news, saying that Ge Hongyi had gone to Ge Lao’s class in vain.

    Ge Hongyi has taught many well-known actors, among which the most well-known and nationally known is the actor's honor. It is also because of Feng Jing that Ge Lao's name is known to more ordinary audiences.     After the news came out, Qi Wang’s fans went crazy and spent a few years directly on Weibo. If they couldn’t stand it, they began to mock or yin and yang on Weibo. You come and go, if you are not careful. Tear on the hot search.     While Qi Wang was sleeping in the car, Xiao Zhang was still scanning Weibo with relish.     "These sunspots are really sour." Xiao Zhang, as a staff member next to Qi Wang, naturally knew that he was in the class, and he just sighed at the screen. "When the feature film comes out next week, these sunspots' faces will be beaten and swollen. "     Zhou Ningyu also saw the hot search after getting up in the morning. She watched the battle in the square for a while, picked up the phone and sent a message to Qi Wang: "Qi Wang, have you really gone to Teacher Ge's class!"     lying in a chair Qi Wang on the Internet heard the phone "ding" and did not move. His mobile phone was placed on the chair next to him. Xiao Zhang looked back and saw that it was the message from "Xiao Guai", and he called Qi Zuo out: "Boss, it's Teacher Zhou's news." It     looked like it originally . Qi Wang was asleep. After listening to her, he opened his eyes and took the phone.     Xiao Zhang turned his head and said twice in his heart. Their teacher Qi was really tired of taking the nickname.     Thinking of his name "Xiao Guai", Xiao Zhang trembles with goose bumps.     Qi Wang in the back row didn't pay attention to so many scenes of her, but only concentrated on holding a mobile phone to reply to Zhou Ningyu's message: "Well, how did you know?"     Xiaoguai: Hot search! There are still many people who are sour, saying that you are dreaming!     Little boy: I'm so angry! I really want to scold them!     Qi Mou hooked his lips and replied to her: "Don't pay     attention to them, it is them who are embarrassed after the show is broadcast." Xiaoguai: Yes, I hope to fast forward to next Saturday! [Qiaoqiao]     International superstar Qi Gou Dan: But the one in front of you, Qi Wang, what's going on?

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