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   Had Zhou Ningyu's mouth been blocked by Qi Wang now, she would have screamed out of fright on the spot.

    Qi Wang also stopped kissing her and looked up in the direction of the door very unhappy.

    He recognized the voice of the person outside the door, it was the second male Zhang Zeling. At night, he ran to knock on Zhou Ningyu's room, what did he want to do?

    As if he hadn't waited until the person in the room answered, Zhang Zeling outside the door called out again: "Ms. Zhou."

    Zhou Ningyu also calmed his emotions at this moment, and asked aloud: "Ms. Zhang, what's the matter with you?"

    Zhang Zeling said outside: "I want to talk to you about tomorrow's scene."

    "Oh...then wait a minute."

    Qi Wang looked at Zhou Ningyu, and Zhou Ningyu pushed him into the study room before he spoke: "You hide here for a while. , Don't make any noise!"

    "I..." Qi Wang wanted to say something, but as soon as he said a word, Zhou Ningyu's study door closed "pop".

    Qi Wang: "..."

    Why does his genuine boyfriend hide like a traitor? ?

    Over there, Zhou Ningyu had opened the door for Zhang Zeling. When he saw Zhang Zeling wearing a V-shaped low-neck outside the door, Zhou Ningyu was stunned. Holding the script in her hand, Zhang Zeling smiled as she looked at her: "Sorry, I'm here to disturb the screenwriter teacher so late, but I really want to talk to you about tomorrow's play."

    "Oh..." Zhou Ningyu squeezed out a smile. "Then you come in first."

    "Excuse me." Zhang Zeling walked into Zhou Ningyu's room and looked around. Zhou Ning was afraid to go to language study, told him to sit down on the sofa: "? Teacher Chang, you want to play tomorrow to discuss what a"

    Zhangze Ling sitting on the couch, changed the position, that the body of a large V-neck will step aside Slippery, exposing a large shoulder.

    Zhou Ning said: "...?"

    Wait, did Teacher Zhang come to seduce her? ?

    She had heard from Shampoo before that there was an actress sleeping on the crew and the screenwriter asked the screenwriter to add drama to herself. So now, Zhang Zeling also means the same?

    ...No, she doesn't want to submerge. Rule him. If she wants to dive, she can do it too. :)

    "Well, Teacher Zhang, are you cold?" Zhou

    Ningyu threw a small blanket on the sofa over and just put it on his shoulder, " Wear this." Zhang Zeling: "..."

    Everyone is an adult , He didn't want to believe Zhou Ningyu didn't know what he meant.

    He thinks that he has a good body and face, so he won't lose a good night's sleep, right?

    Zhang Zeling looked at the small blanket on his body and moved closer to Zhou Ningyu's body. Zhou Ningyu moved aside along the way.

    "Ms. Zhou, what are you doing so far away?" Zhang Zeling asked, Zhou Ningyu was panicked, Qi Wang was still in the study, he couldn't help rushing out, right? That scene was too embarrassing.

    "Ms. Zhou..." Zhang Zeling deliberately lowered her voice and called Zhou Ningyu, which made Zhou Ningyu agitated. She was about to ask Zhang Zeling to speak, when the door was knocked again: "Ms. Zhou, are you asleep?"

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