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    Being able to star in "Two Boys by the Sea" is a rare opportunity. Qi Wang's team is very satisfied with being able to win this role, and does not have high requirements in terms of film remuneration.

    The film crew talked with them very smoothly, and soon they officially confirmed Qi Wang's role.

    After the two parties went through the contract process, they officially announced that Qi Wang would play a leading role. In order to cooperate with the film promotion, Zhou Ningyu also opened Weibo for Mu Chengzhou at the request of the crew, and quickly added a V.

    Her first Weibo was to repost the Weibo of the crew official Xuan Qiwang. Not long after the news came out, it was discussed on Weisou.

    Before the official announcement, no one would have thought that this role would be taken by Qi Wang in the end, even Qi Wang's fans hadn't expected it.

    Fans were still immersed in the relationship between Qi Wang and Zhou Ningyu, and Qi Wang would play "Two Boys by the Sea" without paying attention. After a brief shock, the fans quickly organized and began to celebrate and support Qi Wang.

    There are also people who rushed to Zhou Ningyu's Weibo to say that Qi Wang was going to play the protagonist of a wooden boat, and he was about to soar after the performance. Between the lines, it was revealed that today's Zhou Ningyu is not worthy of tomorrow's Qi Wang.

    Zhou Ningyu herself didn't have time to read comments on Weibo, but her readers urged updates on Weibo every day, and they inevitably saw it.

    Although Zhou Ningyu, the author, is always breaking news recently, the book she wrote is still good-looking. Now that she is attacked by Qi Wang's fans in this way, the readers are afraid that she will be stimulated even more, so they argue with Qi Wang's fans on Weibo.

    Just when the two parties refused to give in to each other, a marketing account suddenly popped up, breaking the news that Zhou Ningyu was a dead end, and he also posted a candid photo of "Two Boys by the Sea" during the public audition. Zhou Ningyu was sitting between the director and Feng Jing, looking at something. There was no crystal card on the table in front of the few people, and the person who broke the news carefully wrote a note on the heads of the few people. Zhou Ningyu wrote the words "Original work made into a boat" on their heads.

    The presence of Zhao Yi and Feng Jing clearly pointed to "Two Teenagers by the Sea". If Zhou Ningyu were an unrelated person, he would never appear here.

    This marketing account is a black one, and he ridiculed it vigorously on Weibo.

    "I laughed to death. Fans of Qi Wang’s family scolded her while licking Zhou Ningyu’s cake. Your sister-in-law is just like a boat, okay? If you have a sister-in-law like this, you can laugh. People are also highly recommended by her, otherwise, based on your brother’s qualifications, you don’t even have the qualifications to audition, right? What is the representative work of Qi Wang? Is Zhou Ningyu’s boyfriend [doge]"

    This news is undoubtedly a stone Lang, the people who eat melon and the fans of Qi Wang are all in high tide.

    The forum moved the incident simultaneously, and soon a tall building was built, which was very lively. In the building, there are fans from other families who are passionate about eating melons, and there are also cynics against their fans. Those who originally scolded Zhou Ningyu also disappeared collectively, but there are many more fans who said "I agree with this marriage."

    Also, people who are not too busy to watch the excitement opened another building to discuss "If it is Zhou Ningyu's young and beautiful sister-in-law who can give your brother top resources, would you like it?".

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