Episode 1 - Prologue

68 23 49

January 1rst, 2001

Dear Elise,

There is so much that I would like to tell you. That I am alive. That I am like you. I would like to tell you what happened to me, even if I'm not sure that I would have the strength to do it if you were really there in front of me. I don't know what you would think of me now. I am not the man you knew.

I was born in 1322, and I died in 1361. That you know. What you don't know is that I was dead only for a few hours.

Then I woke up, and my lethal wounds had disappeared. But not my scars.

I didn't know who I was anymore. I did not even understand what I was at first. I thought I was a demon, punished for my sins. I know you understand.

Yes, I should have known the moment it occurred that I was immortal, but I just couldn't imagine I was like you.

Most of all, I was now alone.

You, my best friend, who happened to be my wife, had disappeared since the announcement of my death. And now I had no one. I got used to being by myself over the years, to the point where I avoided other immortals. I had always felt that I didn't belong, and I didn't know how to fit into this new community of mine.

I met someone, though. I would love for you to meet him. But that is another story. More sins. More mistakes.

I don't know why I am writing this now. It has been so long. Maybe it's because of the beginning of a new millennium that I reflect more than usual on the past, maybe it's because of Giovanni that I feel I need you more than ever. Maybe it's because it's now or never.

It doesn't matter. After centuries I'm going to find you. Finally. I know it.

I would love to hear your voice. I miss you so much.

I never stopped thinking about you, I promise. In the darkest moments, I always had your smile in my mind, and it kept me going. Sometimes I wonder if you're still alive but I can't believe that you may be gone. I feel your presence in my heart all the time. It may be stupid but I know I will see you again someday.

I fear coming back to France, you know? Because every moment that I spend there is a reminder of our friendship and of the fact that you are not with me anymore.

Where are you, darling? Please, let me find you.




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