Episode 20

57 19 37

"Business Transaction", Home Video

We escaped with Yon. We tried to help Noah, but he was already gone. He was younger than I was, and he could not resist this treatment as long as I could have. His body would turn into stone over time but, for now, magic and the constant loss of blood had exhausted his soul, or whatever you want to call it. This kind of immortal coma, you could not wake up from.

Yon told me we were in Germany, in a warehouse near Frankfurt. We took her car and drove to Paris. I could barely stand up and I slept in the back of the car. In Paris, I asked her to go to Aidan's. I had to see him. It had been months. I knew it was dangerous because it was the first place where somebody would look for me, but I had to see him.

I rang at the door and leaned against the wall. Yon tried to help me, but I was so weak that I started to slip slowly to the ground. Aidan did not open the door remotely but, instead, he ran towards the entrance of the building, as if he knew it was me, and a few seconds later, I saw him through the door.


He took me in his arms and carried me to the sofa in the living room. He did not even ask who the woman with me was.

"You're alive." He wrapped his arms around me, and I dived into his embrace, his presence, so relieved that all this was over.

"I am fine. Do not worry, my love," I whispered. "This is Yon. She helped me."

"Thank you," he said to her. And turning back towards me: "You are so cold and so pale. How can I help?"

"I lost a lot of blood and I am weakened by a spell. I need a witch. You should call Anna."

"I'll call everyone. We looked for you everywhere, for months. We..."

I put my hand on his arm. "I know."

Half an hour later, Ethan, Amaury, James, Anna, Lucas, Valentina, and Ahmed were in Aidan's living room. After many hugs, tears, and smiles, and a little bit of magic, everyone sat around me.

"I was kidnapped. They shot me in the head and they took me away."

"We know. Alastair. Abosede told me," Aidan said.

"She did? Alright. Well, they kept me in Germany with others. They were taking our blood. Some younger immortals could not survive this." I stopped for a second and turned to my son: "Noah, the immortal you told me about, I am sorry to say that he did not make it."

"But you did," Ethan said.

"Yes, I escaped with Yon's help."

Anna smiled and put a hand on Yon's shoulder, acknowledging her as a part of the family.

"Well, Elise saved my life."

"Yeah, she does that a lot," James said and everybody smiled.

"We have to stop all this madness. We have to stop Alastair." I said.

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