Saturday Night At The Pearl, Episode 16B

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Aidan's journal

I joined everyone at The Pearl. Like every Saturday night, the club was packed, but it seemed completely empty to me without El. Anna made an announcement, saying that Elise was on vacation and that there wouldn't be a song at 2AM. Everyone was disappointed for a minute, but they had no clue about the seriousness of the situation.

The music was loud, and I could not really identify the songs since my mind was so focused on what Abosede had told me earlier. I had brought her with me to inform the group.

It was Lucas' set, and he was absorbed, even lost, in his music. James, Amaury, and Ethan were at the bar with Anna, Ahmed, and Valentina. A bottle of scotch in front of them and quite a few glasses. They didn't dare to sit in her booth. It would have been too sad.

I could see that Ethan was so nervous he could barely remain seated. Amaury was completely quiet. James too, which was more surprising. Anna was running the place frantically, probably to keep her mind off the worry, while Valentina and Ahmed were helping her, trying to stay focused.

Anna stopped short when she saw the immortal. "What is she doing here?" She said in anger. "She asked Elise to risk her life for her stupid rules last time. She is not welcome here."

Abosede didn't say a word.

"She wants to help," I said calmly.

"I think I know what happened to Elise."

Ethan took a step forward. "Where is my mother?"

"That I don't know. But I am convinced she has been kidnapped by immortals."


Abosede explained what she had told me at the Council headquarters earlier, that a rogue faction of the Council wanted to assert their power over the other supernatural creatures. I thought this was an old story. Anyway, that was what Elise had said. But apparently, this trend had been renewed by younger immortals led by a few elders.

"What this has to do with anything?" James said to Abosede.

"Well, they think our power is in our blood. They decided to kidnap some of us, especially old ones, because of their power. It is some kind of human traffic. But they are targeting first immortals they consider unworthy."

James frowned. "Unworthy?"

"Elise is involved with vampires. They consider it a shame," Amaury explained.

James smiled and took one more sip of his drink. "Oh, I see."

"What are they doing with their blood?" Ethan asked.

"They use it for spells."

"This is madness," Amaury said. "Do you know who is behind this?"

"I have one name. Alastair."


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