Episode 19

51 18 37

"Maux", Bandit Bandit

I felt like this room was darker and darker as the weeks passed. Perhaps I was only more exhausted. They kept me in the first building for a few days and then they transferred me. They killed me again for that. For "safety". So I didn't know how long I had traveled or where I was.

I was meditating as much as I could, not to lose my mind and my strength, but also not to dive into my anger against Alastair. The young immortals who supported his project, I was sad for them. They needed desperately something to believe in because they were lost in their new eternal life. But he, he knew better. It was calculated, strategic, and wrapped up in moral values but, in the end, he wanted power. That was it.

All of the young ones were not as lost, however. There was this young woman, Yon. She was different from the others. She was reluctant. I had heard her arguing with Alastair but he shut her down.

After weeks in this prison, I could not tell time. I had no idea how long I had been there. And Yon started to talk to me when nobody could hear. She wanted to know who I was and why I was there. She would sit next to me and tell me about her life too.

She had died two years ago. She had been helped by Alastair then, so she felt indebted to him. This is who she was, loyal. This loyalty was why she was still there, but she did not approve of the plan.

One day, we were talking quietly when another immortal, a man, rushed into the room. "There is something wrong with this Noah guy. He does not wake up anymore."

"We have to help him," Yon said.

The man looked at her in disbelief. "What do you mean?"

"Don't you see what we are doing here is wrong? We're going to kill them. We have to do something. Let him go. Let them all go."

I did not move but I concentrated to be ready should something happen. And it did.

"You're a traitor." He walked towards her and pulled off a knife.

She prepared herself to fight but she had no weapon. He hit her once.

"Leave her alone," I said.

I felt so exhausted but I pulled on my chains and tried to free myself. Yon saw what I was doing and she pushed him towards me. I grabbed him, putting one of my chains around his neck. Even as weakened as I was, I was still stronger than him. I squeezed his neck, and he fainted.

"Thank you," Yon said, out of breath.

I nodded.

She took off my chains. "Let's get out of here."


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