Saturday Night At The Pearl, Episode 25A

52 18 32

"Angel", The xx

"There is one solution," I said as everyone gathered around me.

I came back to Paris as soon as I could, with the piece of parchment that Ikshan had given me. We had agreed, with Amaury, Aidan, James, and Ethan to meet at the Pearl for a briefing, and they were all in my office. The sounds of the party seemed far away.

Ethan could not sit, because of his nervousness. Amaury leaned on the wall opposite the door, since he did not want to be in the middle. Aidan sat on the couch and James stood near him. They were waiting for me to explain what I had found.

"This immortal I met in Budapest has an incredible library of the occult. And they told me there is something we can do, a spell that can compel the demon to show itself, and then we can kill it."

"So we learned nothing," James said while sitting on the desk. "There is nothing that can counter-act the curse."

I frowned. "We have learned something. We know how to find the demon and how to immobilize it."

James raised his hands in the air in a gesture of dismay. "I'm perfectly fine with the 'I'm going to die trying' vibe, but it will not save Amaury, love. This is just suicide."

"We can do it. I can do it," I said.

Ethan and Aidan did not want to say a word, but I saw, with a twitch on their face, how much they were worried about this plan.

"No. Absolutely not. James is right. It is far too dangerous. I cannot let you do that for me," Amaury said. "Or any of you," he added looking at James.

I cupped his face into my hands. "I told you. I am not going to let you die. So if there is something I can try, I will try it."

"I can do it myself," he replied.

"I am sorry but you are not as strong as I am. I am the only one who has a chance against a creature like that."

"This is my life. I will defend it myself. And if I were to fail, well, so be it."

I took a deep breath.

"Alright. We will work on the spells and I will be there by your side to help you."


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