Saturday Night At The Pearl - Episode 7B (Christmas special)

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"A Message", Coldplay

I watched the Christmas tree lights reflected on the mirror behind the bar. They were sparkling of blue, yellow, red, and white.

"Are you okay, Boss?" Anna asked.

"Yes, honey. I was hoping that Aidan would show up, that is all."

"I'm sure he will." She put her hand on my arm. Then something caught her eyes and she looked behind me with a smile on her face. "As a matter of fact, he's here."

I turned my head and saw him. My heart jumped. His dark blue tuxedo fit perfectly and this color made his eyes pop. He was gorgeous. I walked towards him. He looked at me and smiled. "You look incredible," he said.

"So do you." I took his hand. "I am glad you came."

"I'm sorry for my reaction the other day," he said.

"Do not apologize. It is alright. I am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable or unsure of my feelings for you."

"I know that your life is complicated. Hell, so is mine." He smiled.

"Amaury is my best friend. I love you both in different ways. You are not going to lose me." I cupped his head. "Look at me." And then, more slowly. "You are not going to lose me."

I kissed him on the lips and he hugged me. I could hear his heart racing. His scent was intoxicating.

He pulled away from me and said: "I'll grab you a glass of champagne."

"Thank you, my love."

Anna rushed towards me. "So everything's fine, right?" She had a big smile on her face.

"Yes. It must be the magic of Christmas."

Suddenly someone took my hand. It was James. He led me near the stage. "I think you will want to listen to this."

"Sweetie, you are not as good a singer as that," I teased him.

"This is not what I meant."

I frowned. He took an acoustic guitar and sat at the rear of the stage. I wondered what was happening when Aidan got up on stage. James started the first chords of a Coldplay song and Aidan stood in front of the mic. I could not believe it. I had never seen Aidan sing.

I covered my mouth with my hand and looked at him in shock. He stared back at me with a shy smile while he sang the song. I had tears in my eyes. I knew it was a big gesture for him. And apparently it was one that had been prepared as a team without my knowledge, since Lucas had created some background arrangements to accompany the duo.

At the end of the song, everyone cheered and I woke up like from a dream. I did not even think, joined him on stage and took him in my arms. "It was so beautiful. Thank you so much," I said.

He ducked his head. "I did not sing it very well, but I meant it."

"I love you too."

He kissed my hand and led me off the stage while I waved a thank you sign at James and Lucas, who smiled in return.

Suddenly Aidan hold my hand tighter. "El, it's him. He's here," he said.

In the crowd was Amaury. I looked at Aidan, afraid he would be hurt again. "I'm fine. I'm happy for you," he said.

I kissed him on the neck and left him to finally meet my best friend again. Our eyes crossed and I could see the emotion on the immortal's face.




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