Episode 5

65 19 67

"Familiar Fire", Yodelice

When I went back home, I saw a white envelope without a stamp in my mail. I froze. On it, there was one word only, one name that I had not read or heard for centuries: Elantia. My name, from when I was a mortal. The name that Amaury was the only one to know. I opened the letter in haste. My hand shook.


I am so sorry for what happened. I hope you'll forgive me. I'll explain everything. Let's just say for now that I thought I was ready to see you but I got scared. Believe me, I want nothing more than to have you back in my life. However, things are complicated. Please, don't look for me and don't worry. I will come to you, at your club, on Saturday night, I promise.

With all my love,


My eyes lingered on the paper, long after I had finished reading it. I covered my mouth with my hand, and I cried. When I read his words, I could hear his voice in my head, this voice that I had not heard for so long.

What had happened? Why was he so scared? He seemed like the same Amaury I knew, though. I could not help to worry, even if he had asked me not to. Saturday then. I would see him at the club and all this mystery would be over.

I wiped my tears off of my face and entered my apartment. Aidan was sitting on the couch. When he stood up and hugged me, he saw the envelope that I still had in my hand.

"Elantia?" He asked.

It was a conversation that I did not want to have.

"Yes." I hesitated. "It is my name. My name from before I was an immortal."

He narrowed his eyes. "I didn't know that. You never talk about your life as a mortal."

"I never did. It is not easy for me to talk about that."

"Obviously someone knows, though."

"Yes. Amaury." A shadow crossed Aidan's eyes. "But he is the only one. We lived together for twenty years. He has a very special place in my life."

Aidan was hurt. At first, he tried to hide it, but I saw on his face the anger rising.

"What about me? Don't you trust me?" He said.

"Of course, I do trust you."

I tried to come closer to him but he moved back.

"It is not about you, Aidan, it is about me," I said. "I need time. I am sure you can understand that."

He looked at me and it seemed like he was going to say something but he remained silent.

"My love, please calm down. We can talk about it," I said.

"Can we?"

"Of course, we can."

"I need a moment alone."

As he left the apartment, I thought it would be better to leave him some space, but I was very upset. I thought he had overreacted and, at the same time, I was mad at myself and my difficulty opening up. If I were to be honest with myself, I did not know how long it would have taken me to have this conversation with Aidan without Amaury's letter.

I sat on the couch and read his words again.

A few hours later, I called James. "Have you seen Aidan?"


"Is he okay?"

"Not really. You?"

"Not really."

"I thought you were supposed to be the perfect couple. So Mom and Dad had a fight?"

"It is not funny. He does not understand that I need to do things in my own time. As he does, by the way."

On the screen of my phone, I saw James reaching for a glass behind him. His face became more serious. "He is pretty upset."


"Come on." He poured what looked like bourbon into the glass. "I don't know the details and yet even I understand that it's because he's threatened by Amaury. It's obvious."

"My relationship with Amaury has nothing to do with Aidan. We were married for twenty years. Of course, we were close. But it does not take anything away from Aidan."

"You know the guy. He's scared that he could lose you, now that Amaury is back. That you won't need him any longer."

I sighed. "I know. I will talk to him. I do not want to hurt him."


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