Episode 26

56 18 51

"Walking in the Dark", Metronomy

"The stairs are so incredible here. And the glass roof. I mean, I have never seen anything like that in my entire life," Yon said.

"And you haven't seen the pool yet," Lucas replied with a smile.

Yon opened her eyes wider. "The pool?"

"Can I show it to her after the training?" Lucas asked me.

"Of course. I am glad that you enjoy the house. It is very dear to my heart."

"I bet it is. I don't understand why you don't live here."

"I had, for a long time. But you know, I have to move regularly. Otherwise, I feel like I switch off the world, you see. It is hard not to be overwhelmed by the passing of centuries."

My words cast a shadow over Anna and Yon's faces.

"But on the plus side, you can have incredible mansions you bought for nothing when there were still swamps in Paris." I smiled.

"That is why the city is so expensive! Because immortals have already put their hands on all the best properties! Okay, I understand," Yon said with a laugh.

"Real estate is a bitch," I answered.

I led them to the studio while Yon went into raptures over every piece of furniture or molding.

Aidan joined us a few minutes later. I had learned the night before that he had been training Anna and Lucas for months. After I had disappeared, they had asked him to take over. I was curious to find out how their technique had evolved.

I could see that Anna was as eager to show me some tricks as she was to show them to Yon.

They placed themselves on both sides of my vampire and they attacked him one after the other. He blocked their moves, giving them some advice at every attempt.

They were faster, stronger, and more precise than the last time I had trained with them. It was impressive. I was particularly stunned by Lucas who was fearless. The young man was so focused. Yon was impressed too.

"I want to learn," she said.

"You will."

"Can you do a demonstration, Boss?" Anna said. "Please?"

"I may be a little rusty but yes, why not," I smiled.

"Rusty, right. Of course, whatever." Anna rolled her eyes.

I took a step to be in the middle of the room. "Alright, my love, would you please?"

"Does this mean I have to get my ass kicked?" He said. "Thank you very much, Anna. Very nice. I'm glad I came."

I smiled and sent him a kiss. In an instant, he had moved towards me. Yon gasped as she had never witnessed a vampire's speed before. She could hardly see him move. But I did not need to see him. I could feel where he was. I avoided every one of his actions. Then I raised my hand and pushed him. He would have fallen but I caught him.

Anna applauded, enjoying the show.

"He cannot even touch you. You have not moved one millimeter," Yon said.

"He can touch me. He is not using all his strength here."

"Maybe. But even at full strength, I could not beat you," Aidan said. "There is something special in the way you fight."

"How do you do that?" Yon said.

"I have been training all my life. And it has been a very long life."

"That doesn't explain everything," Aidan said.

"You are right. I can... dig into my power now as I could not do when I was younger. There are phases in an immortal life and at some point, we start to become capable of new things. I cannot explain it, but I would say that I am more and more connected to everything around me."

"Do you mean you have powers?" Yon asked.

"I would not say that. It would be truer to say that we all have power. We just have to understand how to use it. And I had more time to figure this out."

I knew that Yon had to talk about our condition because she had never had a person to talk to about all this. So we talked and talked and trained until the sun went down.

 So we talked and talked and trained until the sun went down

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