Episode 15

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Aidan's journal

She's gone. Just like that. She didn't come home last night. I called her. No answer. She always answers. I knew that something was not right. I called James to see if he knew something. I called Amaury. I called Ethan. Nobody has seen her since yesterday afternoon.

I called Anna to try a locator spell. But she told me that Elise protected herself against that kind of spell a long time ago. She would be impossible to find through magic. I could hear in her voice how worried she was. We were thinking the same thing. She could not have vanished. Unless she was... I was thinking out loud.

"No. She is not dead. She's not. I would know it. She is not," I said.

"You're right. She's not."

I have to believe that. Otherwise... I can't imagine...

Anyway, I was sure that it had something to do with the Council. I mean, how could it not? They attacked her with a spell before. I was out of control with rage. I went directly to their building, knocked, and pushed the guy who opened the door against the wall.

"What have you done with her?" I said. The immortal with a dark old-fashioned suit did not say a word. "Where is she? Answer me or I'll kill you, I swear."

The guy, suffocating, said he knew nothing about this.

I was madder and madder. "Elise, she suddenly vanished, and you're telling me it's not a scheme of the Council?"

I showed my teeth and squeezed his neck even stronger.

A voice behind me said: "Stop. Leave Richard alone."

I turned my head and I saw a black woman, poised and stern. She was wearing a light grey pant-suit and no piece of jewelry except for a silver necklace with dark red stones.

My mind was not very clear at that moment, but I think I said something like: "Free Elise, and then I will leave him alone."

The expression on the woman's face did not change as she took a step forward. I tightened my grip on said Richard. "We have to talk, Aidan," she said.

 "We have to talk, Aidan," she said

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