Saturday Night At The Pearl - Episode 30B

38 14 23

James' Journal

"I need to help him," Elise said.

"We won't be able to keep the spell on for long without you," Aidan warned.

"I know."

She left the crystal to me and, the second she broke the circle, Aidan and I felt a blow-up of energy through our bodies. It was hard to stand still now as if something was trying to push us while draining our energy.

Elise pulled out her two silver daggers. She breathed heavily. She knew she had one shot, and one shot only.

Suddenly I lost sight of her for a second. She was moving almost too fast to be seen. She was on one side of the room and then a second later on the other. I realized I had never seen her fight at full capacity. Of course not. She never needed to do that. But at this moment, she did.

Amaury drew the demon's attention to him and she took this opportunity to attack. I saw her jump from behind the creature with her two daggers and stab him on both sides at once. Where she hit it, a dark liquid poured out of the wounds. The vague mist of undifferentiated forms was as if stopped and fixed in stone on the wounded areas.

The demon screamed in our heads with such an awful piercing noise that Aidan and I dropped the crystal. We fell to the ground and the crystal turned into a dark stone again.

I was ready to jump at the demon myself, I swear. Even without a spell, even just mano a mano. But I did not have the time.

Amaury winced in pain because of the scream but did not stop moving. He took advantage of the moment to stab the demon's neck with his sword and, taking his weapon with his two hands, he opened the wound as low as he could on its abdomen.

The demon collapsed and started to turn into stone very slowly.

"I am free now," Amaury said.

The demon laughed in our heads. "Is this what it was all about? You will never be free. My death won't break the curse. I will take you with me in the Void. Nothing can save you."

Those words I remember exactly.

Those words I remember exactly

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