Saturday Night At The Pearl, Episode 25C

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Lucas' Playlist: "Youngblood", 5 seconds of Summer

It was very late but there was still a huge crowd in the club. Lucas, after a cycle of more atmospheric sounds had been back with dynamic tunes and the party had found a new energy.

I received a text message from Abosede. To the point as always. It is done.

I answered. The Council?

It will know some reorganization very soon.

I smiled at the euphemism. Alright. Keep me posted. Thank you for everything.

You are very welcome. And good luck.

Abosede really knew everything. I told Anna the news and I asked her if she knew where Yon was. 

"At your booth," she said with a sign of the head.

Yon was alone. With everything that had happened, I did not have the time to see her as much as I wanted. I sat at the booth with her and told her that Alastair was not a problem anymore. She did not have to hide as much as she did any longer. She was safe in Paris now. She said she was glad but her eyes were telling a different story.

"So it's over. But what now? What am I going to do?"

"You are not alone anymore. You can trust everyone here. They will be there for you. We are a family."

"You're speaking as if you were saying goodbye. I can see it on your face. That's what scares me."

"I just want you to understand that you are safe. I know what it is, becoming immortal and not having a clue of how to deal with it."

She stared at me. "You were alone at first?"

"I was."

"There are so many things I want to ask you about. So many things I could learn from you. Don't leave me, alright? Please?"

I hugged her. "Tomorrow, come to my mansion: we will train together, I will tell you a story or two. What do you think?"

"Okay." She looked at me, still worried. "Thank you."

"Everything is going to be fine. Try to enjoy your night. Dance with Anna again. I saw you. You enjoyed it."

"Absolutely not."

"Liar." I smiled.

She laughed. "Okay, it was not as bad as I would have thought."

"The dancefloor is a divinity around here. You will have to get used to it."

"What did I put myself into?" She rolled her eyes.

I took her by the shoulder and led her to the middle of the room. Anna joined us and we enjoyed the moment, together.

 Anna joined us and we enjoyed the moment, together

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