Episode 6

72 19 42

"Going To A Town", Rufus Wainwright

I changed the camera on my phone to show my son the living room. "Look at my Christmas tree. What do you think?"

I had opted this year for a blue theme, with white sparkling lights that reflected on the panes of the bookcases.

"Wow. It's gigantic. It's even bigger than last year's, right?"

"What? No. It is just the right size."

Ethan laughed. "I have no idea why you love Christmas that much, Mum. It makes absolutely no sense to me."

I shrugged. "I seize every occasion for beauty. I love the lights and the window displays in the streets. I love the decorations and the Christmas trees. It makes me happy, what can I say?"

"You're hopeless."

"Thank you very much, son," I said with fake offense. "That is so nice of you."

"On a more serious note, I'm calling you because I've heard some rumors. I wanted to ask if you know something about it."

I frowned. "Rumors about what?"

"Apparently some immortals disappeared."

"What do you mean disappeared?"

"I don't know but I heard some crazy theories about kidnapping."

"What? Do you know who is missing?"

"I heard that a guy, Diego, is going completely paranoid about this story. He says that he cannot find his mentor, Noah, and that he is sure that he's not dead. He also says that there are others."

"Alright, that is very suspicious. I do not know anything about that but I will ask around."

"Thanks. Keep me posted. I know it seems ludicrous but I have a bad feeling about this."

"I understand. I sincerely hope that this Noah is okay."

Ethan looked like he wanted to add something, but he hesitated.

"By the way, are you coming to town this year?" I asked.

"Well, actually that was what I was thinking about. I'm ready to meet Aidan, now. Maybe. Probably."

I smiled. "I would love that." It was not the right time to tell Ethan about the fight I had with Aidan and I wanted to see Amaury before telling him about his return. "Well, I cannot wait to see you. Whenever you want."


"And I will send you some pictures of my Christmas village."

He winced. "Oh Lord. Please don't."

"I am joking." I laughed.

"Are you?"

"Well, you will see." I smirked.

We ended the call and I grabbed a silver star that I put at the top of my Christmas Tree. I suddenly felt that the colors were quite melancholic. Saturday was the day after and I would finally see Amaury again, but I had this feeling that everything would not be simple.

 Saturday was the day after and I would finally see Amaury again, but I had this feeling that everything would not be simple

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