Episode 29

47 18 29

"Nocturne n°6. Op. 15 n°3", Frédéric Chopin

Aidan had just left with Anna and Amaury to catch some final magical elements we would need the day after.

We had the stone and we had the spell to call the demon, which we were missing only a few ingredients for. Also, as far as we knew, once the demon would be there and paralyzed by the crystal, we would need to wound him with silver blades reinforced by some special spell. Fortunately, I had some of those in my extensive collection of weapons, and Sonia had taken care of the magical part. Everything was set.

Everything except the most important: we were going into the unknown. None of the sources of information we had could be entirely trusted. Demons were extremely rare, and we could not know exactly what we would deal with. What it would look like. How it would move. How strong it would be. We would have to improvise.

I had talked extensively about that with Aidan, James, and Amaury. And Ethan. My son wanted to come with us. I had forbidden it. It was far too dangerous and Ethan was not a warrior. He was strong. He could defend himself, but I could not risk his life or even have to worry about him in this situation. It was already a lot to deal with.

He was angry at first, but he gave in reluctantly when I told him his presence could put me in danger.

Now that everyone else was gone, I seized the opportunity to spend some time with him.

Ethan sat on the couch in my living room. I was at the piano.

I changed the conversation. "You and Aidan, you seem to get along fine. It makes me happy."

"We had some time to know each other better when you were gone. You were right, I love his paintings. We went to a few exhibitions together. He's a very interesting guy."

"He is, isn't he?"

"And more importantly, he really loves you. So, yes, we get along fine." I smiled. "I have to say, Amaury is a great guy, too. I am glad I had the opportunity to meet him. I had heard so much about him from you, over the years. He is as you described him. But darker, I would say."

"I know. I wish I could lift the veil of pain crushing his heart."

He stayed silent for a while. And then, he said: "Mum, I love you. You know that, right?"

"I know, sweetheart. I love you too."

He stood up and put his arms around my shoulders. I squeezed his hands.

"Can I take a picture of you?" He asked.

"Right now? Don't you have enough of those? You know that I look exactly as centuries ago, don't you?"

He laughed. "No, I don't have enough of those."

"Where do you want me to stand?"

"Stay at the piano. Just keep on playing."

I sighed. "All right."

I played the Nocturne n°6  opus 15 n°3 by Chopin, one of my favorite pieces of music.

My heart was heavy. Tomorrow, I thought. Tomorrow, we have to win. We do not have a choice.

Ethan took some pictures and sat back on the couch. "Could you play a waltz for me?" He said.

"Of course, sweetie."



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