Episode 24

59 18 39

"Silent Partner", La Roux

"You are a well-kept secret," I said.

"Indeed I am."

Ikshan was already very tall and impressive, but their cheerful energy filled the room.

They waved their hand: "I started this three hundred years ago when I began to lose my memory. At first, it was a way to keep track of things, you know. But, at a certain point, it turned into something more than that."

"I understand the feeling. I keep my archives and my journals close to me."

"I know. But you've lost one of them once." They winked at me.

I frowned. "How do you know that?"

"This way: third shelf, in the middle."

I went to the point they indicated and, among other old leather journals, I recognized mine. "I looked for it everywhere."

"You can have it back if you want."

"Well, no, I like the idea that it is here. This is my small contribution to your collection."

I smiled, and they smiled back.

"Thank you. But I must say that it's not your only contribution. Many others of my documents refer to you. I know quite some things about your life. Well, if everything is true, of course."

I laughed. "Do not believe anything you have read."

"So, for your demon curse, I'll need to dig deep into my archives. I'll be back in a few hours. Make yourself at home. There is tea in the living room."

"Thank you."

During Ikshan's research, I paced the library, drank two or three cups of tea, and kept Aidan posted about the situation. The huge armchairs in the room were very comfortable but I could not calm myself down enough to stay seated.

Ikshan had explained to me that the library was invisible to humans, thanks to a cloaking spell. A clever way to hide all its treasures. Sometimes, I could hear Ikshan mumble something, before changing strategy and grabbing another book.

There were documents from all eras in there, books and parchments, but also archaeological objects such as stones and vases. I had no idea there was such a collection anywhere. It was very impressive. I wanted to believe Ikshan could find a solution. They seemed confident.

"Alright, alright, I got it," they screamed from a distant room.

They entered the room with a pile of old papers in their arms. "I found something."

"You have a solution ?"

"I have two actually. But you're not going to like it."


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