1. Zoe

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"Alfie I'm trying to film a videoo" I squealed as he gently pushed me backwards onto the bed. The white sheets were soft and the mattress bounced beneath me as I fell.
"But Nala wants to see you!" He laughed, our small black pug jumping up at his feet.
"Alfieee!" I was laughing too now, as he scooped up Nala and the two of them climbed onto the bed next to me.
I fought for a moment, determination to finish what I was doing kicking in, but I was quickly distracted by the gentle fuzzy feeling his touch gave me as he enveloped me in his warmth. I stopped wriggling and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close. His jumper was soft against my bare skin, smelling slightly of his aftershave, and I could hear his heartbeat softly drumming in my ear as my head lay on his chest. Nala curled up next to me, her small face resting on my leg, desperate to join in with our hug.
We lay there, peacefully for a while, the sunlight pouring in through the window. It seemed to bounce off of every surface, from photo frames to glasses, making the room seem alive with tiny beams of light that decorated the walls. The small lanterns sat on the side seemed alight as the brightness filled them, making them almost glow. The clear blue sky peered through the clear pane of glass, interrupted only by the occasional lazy cloud that drifted across the abyss before vanishing over the horizon.
I was overwhelmed with happiness although I wasn't really sure why. Alfie's gentle breathing was the only sound alongside the seagulls flying past. He just seemed to have that effect on me, the ability to instantly calm me and make feel on top of the world. I guess he could do that to most people really.
I didn't want to move, but he broke the silence soon enough, leaning in and whispering in my ear.
"Zoe?", he said quietly.
"Mmn", I replied, too content to want to move.
"Your viewers are going to love this", he chuckled. "The camera is still on"
"Dammit!" I cried, jumping up and turning the camera off. "That's even more editing! This video is long enough as it is with all my mistakes!" He said nothing, just had a grin plastered across his face. "You're so annoying!"
Alfie looked at me and giggled, his chocolate eyes sparkling in the light of the set up.
"You're wasting my camera memory, get out" I told him, trying to keep a straight face, but his laugh was too contagious, and before I knew it, I was giggling too, Nala barking and running around excitedly by his side. I felt so happy, unexplainably so, but I knew that I had to get on.
Eventually, he stopped, picked up our dog, and left with a wave, shutting the door behind him.
I turned the camera back on and bent down to see which product I planned to display next, but they had all fallen on the floor when he'd jumped up on the bed. I sighed, collecting them up and rearranged them next to me. I loved my job, I really did, but sometimes there was so much pressure to get things right all the time. To meet the deadlines, make my videos entertaining. It was a lot, and sometimes it felt like a bit too much.
I sat back up, and fixed a smile onto my face, before picking up the next item, a bottle of shampoo, and speaking.
"My next product is-", I forgot what it was called. I glanced at the bottle.
"The next thing I've been loving is this shampoo-" There was a small thud and a crash as a candle rolled off of the bed and dropped to the floor, it's China case splintering and shards of candle wax flying everywhere.
I knelt down and started to collect the pieces, a sinking feeling settling in my stomach. I'd been so happy less than a minute ago. I just wanted to curl up on the sofa, Alfie and Nala next to me, surrounded by blankets and cushions, with a film playing the the background as I undoubtedly fell asleep. But that wasn't going to happen. Not until I'd finished this video.
Sighing again, I got back up and sat on the bed before wrapping the broken pieces in an old newspaper Alfie had left lying on the floor.
The camera just stared at me, it's cold lens an endless black hole, silently taunting me as I tried and failed over and over to speak, daring me to give up.
But I wasn't going to let it win. I needed this video to go up on time.
"The next thing I've been loving this month is this shampoo"

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