26. Alfie

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Slotting my phone into my pocket, I walked back into the meeting room, where we were being briefed on the schedule for the next couple of days. It appeared that I had several meet and greets, an acting course, and a conference with one of the original founders of YouTube.
As I entered the room, the only noise I could hear was the click of the door. The seven people sat down all looked at me as I took my seat, before the speaker continued.
"So is everyone clear with the plan?", he said, adjusting the old, circle shaped glasses that were perched on his nose. He was slightly balding, and the suit that he was dressed in looked like something from 30 years ago. He seemed so out of place, in a meeting based around something so new and modern. "Here is a timetable, and I've attached the number of the office, in case there are any queries", said the man, handing small folder to Rebecca. "Thank you", he finished, walking over to where his bags were placed.
Collecting our stuff. Eric and I stood up. I was itching to pull out my phone, so that I could ring Zoe back but I resisted the urge as I was led by Rebecca to speak to a couple of the men in the room. She'd insisted that she introduce me, to 'make a good impression'.
"Hey, Mr Lloyd , Mr Fredrickson", she beamed as we reached two men who were standing by the table, talking. They looked up as she spoke.
"This is Alfie Deyes, the candidate for the young influencers course"
I smiled and shook their hands, feeling slightly intimidated by their apparent power and authority.
"Nice to meet you Alfie", the taller of the two men said, his grip tight. He wore a grey suit with a blue tie, and everything from his crisp white shirt to his glimmering black shoes were polished and pristine.
"Hello", I said in reply, putting as much courage into my voice as possible. "It's a pleasure to meet you".
The shorter, plumper man laughed. He couldn't have been more than 5ft5, Rebecca towering over him in comparison. His bald, shiny head reflected as much light as his partners shoes, and his large stomach meant that his shirt wouldn't tuck properly into his trousers.
"Your accent", he chuckled.
I frowned. Rebecca let out an over-the-top giggle, before knocking my arm, prompting me to laugh too. I suddenly felt very relieved that she was there with me, as without her, I would have made a mess of this. It was strange, actually appreciating her and not feeling like she was trying to ruin my life, and for the first time since I'd met her, I started to hope that maybe we could be friends.
"Alfie has a YouTube channel, with over 4 million subscribers", she beamed.
"Yes", the taller one, Mr Lloyd said. "My daughters' a big fan"
I smiled, glad for an icebreaker. "You're all she talks about, you and your friends." Something about him confused me, the way that he could seem so complimentary, yet there was something about his tone that seemed so critical.
"Well tell her I said hi", I said, relaxing slightly. I was determined to make a good impression, like Rebecca had said.
"I must say, 4 million is a heck of a number, it's impressive", he continued. "You gotta be one of the biggest channels in the uk?", Mr Fredrickson cut in, clearly feeling rejected.
"Urm, yeah I guess, after my girlfriend", I replied instinctively, instantly regretting it, knowing it would lead to follow up questions.
"Oh, who's that?", he asked.
"Her names Zoe Sugg", I muttered, hurting inside at the sound of her name. "Nearly 8 million is the number on her channel". Every word was rushed, to try and spit it out.
"8 million! Wow you gotta be proud, am I right!", Mr Fredrickson laughed. I joined in again, without Rebecca's prompting this time, but every noise was forced, fake.
"She's another of Brooke's favourites", Mr Lloyd said. "That's my daughter by the way. I didn't realised that you were dating, you must miss her"
Pain shot straight through my heart like an arrow.
"Yeah", was all I could say.
Rebecca was silent. The two men in front of me didn't say another word. It would have been very awkward, if it weren't for the fact that I felt numb.
Eventually Rebecca spoke. "We'd better be going", she said politely. "Its nice to meet you"
"And you", Mr Lloyd said, taking her hand. "Good to see you Alfie", he told me, his firm grip tightening around my palm.
"It's nice to meet you", I said in reply, before turning to walk over to Eric, who escorted the Rebecca and I out of the room.
The corridor was eerily silent, the only sources of light coming from the dim bulbs hanging from the ceiling, and the small square windows from each of the doors lining the hallway. It was strangely cold, but that wasn't helped by the fact that was only wearing a thin jumper.
The strangest thing by far though, was definitely the fact that Rebecca kept quiet. She didn't congratulate us on a successful meeting like she had done previously, she just walked on, seemingly deep in thought.
"You guys want to go grab something to eat?", Eric asked eventually, breaking the silence. When Rebecca didn't reply, I quickly answered. "Yeah sure, I'm starving"

Once we'd got a taxi to the part of Brooklyn that was 'the best place to eat in the world' according to Eric, and had taken a seat in a small Chinese restaurant, I suddenly remembered that I'd promised to ring Zoe back. Feeling guilty, I quickly checked my watch. It had been a couple of hours since she'd rung, but I knew I had to try.
"Im just going to make a call", I told the other two, getting up and walking out to the front of the building.
The setting sun hovered just above the distant skyscrapers, casting an orange glow over the city. A cool evening breeze blew gently, making me shiver ever so slightly. It was one of the most beautiful scenes in the world, I just wished that Zoe could be here to share it with me.
She picked up on the third ring, her small voice sounding tired. I'd obviously woken her.
"Hi Alfie", she whispered. I suddenly felt really bad.
"Sorry for waking you", I replied. "I can go if you want"
"Nah it's fine, I'd fallen asleep on the sofa with Nala, so it's a good thing that you did." I heard her yawn, and then what sounded like her getting up off of the sofa.
"How are you?", I asked. A woman walked past me, clearly not seeing me phone due to the look I was given. I smiled feebly, feeling slightly awkward.
"Yeah, I'm ok, Joe and Caspar left earlier, and the house feels so empty", she said, sounding fractionally more awake than she had done a moment ago. "But go on, tell me about New York!"
"Yeah, it's nice. I had a meeting today, and I'm currently standing outside a Chinese restaurant in Brooklyn, watching the sunset. It's so beautiful, reminds me of you", I told her. I heard a chuckle down the line.
"You're like a walking cliché", she giggled. "I'm so lucky to have you." I felt a surge of happiness, and for a moment, everything felt like it was going to be ok.
"Hey Alfie, how long are you going to be?", a voice said from behind me, pulling me from my trance. I turned, to see Rebecca leaning against the doorway, her hair blowing in the wind.
"Who's that?", I heard Zoe snap from down the phone. Her tone had changed completely, the moment from before gone, shattered as the wind carried Rebecca's voice down the phone.
"It's no one", I quickly babbled, trying to fix the situation, but knowing that I was only making it worse for myself.
"Who are you calling no one?", said Rebecca. "And who're you talking to?", she questioned, a cheeky smile spreading across her face. I could tell that she knew exactly who was on the line. And she was deliberately doing exactly what she knew would make my life hell.
"Alfie?", Zoe asked.
"Just come back inside, I've got something to tell you", Rebecca whispered before I had the chance to reply.
"One sec", I told Zoe, hanging up the call.
"What are you doing?!", I shouted at Rebecca, not holding back the anger that I felt.
"Hey, I was just going to tell you that the foods here, no need to get so mad", she said, pouting and sounding hurt.
"Sorry", I said. "I'm just coming."
She nodded and headed back inside as I sank down on the bench next to me, Zoe's number popping up on the screen. I felt so defeated, like a keeper that had let in the winning goal.
"Who the hell was that!?", she said angrily as soon as I picked up.
"It was no one, Zoe I-"
"Don't 'Zoe' me", she snapped. "That was Rebecca wasn't it?"
"Yes but-"
"What was she doing, telling you to 'come back inside'?" She sounded so mad, I thought she might throw her phone. It almost scared me. It was safe to say that she was awake by now.
"I'm in a restaurant with her and Eric! She was telling me that the food was here!", I cried, desperate.
"Well that's not what it sounded like! "'I have something to tell you', do you think I'm stupid?"
"No, please, you have to believe me!", I practically shouted.
"I believed you last time Alfie, and then this happens! Why should I believe you again?", said Zoe, clearly upset.
"Please, I-"
"You can't keep doing this", she said. It hurt so much to know that she wouldn't listen. "You can't keep playing me like this!"
"Zoe, I'll Skype you first thing tomorrow, give this some time to blow over", I tried.
"Things like this don't just blow over!", she said.
"Zoe, please", I sighed, but she'd already hung up.

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