3. Zoe

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The sun was beginning to set as we reached the seafront, and despite my thin coat and the cool sea breeze whipping through my hair, I wasn't cold.
"Did you finish the video then?", Alfie asked, gazing out to the sea, his voice barely audible over the crashing waves. It was a breathtakingly beautiful evening, the sun an orange sphere, sinking into the horizon like a ball dropped in oil, it's sleepy light rippling in the gentle waters. We hadn't spoken for a while, just stood staring out at the vast expanse, listening to the waves breaking onto the shingle. I looked over at Alfie, and the way the dim light lit his face up, accentuating his features, his sharp jaw, the gentle swoop of his nose, his chocolate brown eyes, red-tinted from the sunlight. In that moment, I felt like the luckiest person in the world. The cool breeze whipped his hair around his head, forming a messy brown halo, and the setting sunbeams bounced off of the water and into his sparkling eyes. He was beautiful, and I was suddenly filled with a burst of pride and disbelief- he was mine. Of all the people in the world to love, he'd chosen me.
Then my thoughts drifted to his question, and my spirits dropped.
"No, I still need to finish it", I replied, feeling useless. We were leaving first thing tomorrow, and I had promised my viewers a new video. They were great to make, yes, but when you weren't in the mood, they sometimes seemed impossible, like trying to climb up the down escalator, and going nowhere.
He gazed over at me, a look of deep thought on his face. Then he broke into a grin.
"How about we finish it now, on the beach? I brought my vlogging camera?", Alfie asked.
I looked up at him, overwhelmed by how stupidly amazing he was, and how he always seemed to know what to do.
"You are so well prepared", I muttered, suddenly feeling so much better. I knew it wasn't ideal, far from it, but I was on such a tight schedule, and honestly my viewers were all so lovely that I knew that they wouldn't mind.
He smiled, and pulled the device out of his pocket and switched it on.
"Where do you want to stand?", he asked, pointing it at me and pretending to be a photographer. I laughed, before stepping backwards into position. He pressed record, before frowning.
"What's wrong", I asked, confused.
"I left the memory card at home", he uttered. "I thought I brought it"
"Alfiee", I sighed, stumbling over the stones towards him.
"Sorry", he said, before sitting down on the wet pebbles. I took a seat next to him and leaned into his side, resting my head on his shoulder and staring out into the sunset. I sighed. He was a muppet sometimes, and he could be quite stupid. But I knew that he had good intentions, and that I could mess up too. Our relationship wasn't perfect, but no ones was. But it was as good as it could be, and I loved him, and he loved me, and that was all that mattered.

By the time we'd gotten home, the sun had completely set, and my stomach was growling.
In opened the fridge, but it was empty, apart from a bag of salad, a tub of butter, two hunks of cheese and half a pint of soya milk. The bread bin was empty and there was nothing else in the cupboards, not even a bag of pasta.
"Alfie?" I called.
"Yeahh", he shouted back.
"There's no food gorgeous".
The sound of footsteps rushing down the stairs echoed through the house, and then a very reluctant looking Alfie was by my side. He was dressed in an old jumper, and as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, his warm musky scent filled my nostrils. I felt myself go slightly weak at the knees, but I didn't let it show.
"No food huh?", he questioned, a guilty look on his face.
"None at all" I told him, folding my arms questionably and giving him an unimpressed look.
"Well I wonder why that is" he muttered, not making eye contact.
"Maybe because you forgot to go to the shop? Even why I told you to twice yesterday?" He looked up at me.
"Oops" he smiled feebly.
"Alfiee" I moaned. "You promised you would while I was busy. I'm starving!"
Nala came rushing into the kitchen, a toy between her jaws, and dropped the plastic bone at my feet, looking up expectantly.
"We could get a takeaway?" He suggested.
Nala gazed up at me, waiting patiently for me to take the toy from her.
"Fine" I told him, finally smiling as I bent down to pick the bone up. "But you can go and pick it up"

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