4. Alfie

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The next morning passed in a blur. After eating dinner, Zoe and I watched some tv whilst she edited her video, then we headed to bed. The next thing I knew, I was being ushered into her car with both of our overnight bags on my lap. I must have fallen asleep, because once I opened my eyes, the road signs said that we were nearly halfway to London.
I looked over to Zoe, feeling an instant pang of guilt. She looked absolutely shattered. Her bright blue eyes were shadowed by dark bags, and her silky brown hair hung in messily around her face. She was slouched forwards over the steering wheel, face foucused on the road, as if she were afraid of falling asleep whilst in control of a car and two lives. If only I had taken my driving test I could take over from her and let her rest.
"Hey", I mumbled, still regaining control of my stiff body. Cars were never comfortable to sleep in.
When she replied with only a small mumble, I knew that she needed to stop, or else we might never reach London alive.
"Zoe there's a service station coming up, let's stop there", I suggested.
"Alfie" she whispered. "We need to get there on time",
"But I need the loo", I whined, making up an excuse on the spot.
After a pause, she let out a sigh. "Ugh fine, but don't take long".

By the time I had entered the warmth of the service station, grabbed a coffee and a doughnut from the Costa and browsed through the bookshop, it had been at least half an hour, and judging by the fact that she hadn't come to get me, I could tell that Zoe was sleeping soundly. She had a habit of falling asleep anywhere, so I took advantage of this and waited.
It's not like we had to be at the conference for another 3 hours, and once we'd reached the hotel, we didn't need too long to get ready.
Once I had waited for as long as I could, I picked up some breakfast and a coffee for Zoe, and headed out to the carpark.
After I had climbed into the car as quietly as possible, I leaned into my sleeping girlfriend and kissed her on the cheek, then whispered "Morning little one".
"Hmm", she mumbled, her eyes still closed.
"Zoe, wake up"
She stirred again, this time, looking at me, her sleepy smile lightening her face and making me feel warm inside.
"What's the time Alfie?" She whispered.
I looked at my watch, hesitating before speaking.
"It's eight now" I told her, hoping that she wouldn't flip.
"What!" She shouted, rocketing upright. "Alfie, we're gonna be late!"
"Zoe, calm down, you were about to fall asleep at the wheel, I had to let you rest. We have hours until we need to be at the conference, you'll just have less time at the hotel, that's all", I tired to reason.
"Alfiee", she moaned, rubbing her eyes and yawning.
"I brought you breakfast", I told her, holding out the coffee and paper bag in front of her.
"You think you can win me over with food?". She looked at me sarcastically.
"I got you a hot chocolate and a doughnut, your favourite", I tried.
She looked at down at the bag, then up and me, and then back at the bag again.  There was a pause.
"Fine, you win" she smiled, snatching the food out of my hands.
"Just be quick, we don't want to be late". I said. She looked at me and rolled her eyes, already pulling the bun out of the paper bag.

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