2. Alfie

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Heading downstairs with Nala in my arms, I placed my sleepy puppy on the floor. She was tired, I could tell by the way she slowly wandered across the kitchen, her head drooping as she peered up at me through her large sleepy eyes.
Padding into the cosy room, I took a seat on our large grey sofa, Nala following me in, climbing onto the seat and abruptly falling asleep on my lap, her gentle breathing the only sound breaking the silence in the room.
"Hey guys", I said, pulling my camera out of my pocket and turning it on, extending my arm in front of me as I peered into the familiar sight that was the small black lens. "I haven't really filmed much today, I've been busy editing and sorting out boring stuff. Zoe's upstairs filming and I'm about to edit yesterday's vlog, so I'm really sorry if this one is really short, but we've got an exciting day tomorrow so hopefully that'll make up for it!"
I chatted to the camera for a few minutes more, enthusiastically throwing all I had into the words I was saying. I loved vlogging, it made me so happy, and being able to talk to so many people just by holding this small black object in my hand and saying whatever I wanted was still so crazy to me.
Once I'd finished speaking, I switched off the camera, and headed into my office, darting my way around the piles of random junk spilling off of my desk all over the floor.

Zoe was determined to finish filming her video before we left for London in the morning, but I could tell that she was struggling. Her cheerful voice sounded through the house, but it was strained, and over and over again she was repeating what she had said, due to mistakes. This happened sometimes, she just couldn't focus. Sometimes it was because she was feeling anxious, other because she was just having a down day. I knew how she felt, some days I struggled too, everyone did. No one could have brilliant days all of the time, but sometimes the best thing to do was to keep at it. She'd get there eventually.
But after 2 hours of this, I was practically tearing my hair out with desperation to run up the stairs, give her a massive hug and tell her that she shouldn't worry, she could do it later, but I knew that she had to finish, and another distraction wouldn't help her.
"What are we gonna do with her hey Nala?" I asked the small pug at my feet. She looked up me for a second, almost as if she understood what I had said, before continuing to chew the toy she had between her teeth.
I'd finished my editing a while ago, and was making some lunch out of last nights leftovers. With a sigh, I collapsed on the sofa, plate in hand, and turned on the tv, flicking through the channels but not really watching anything.
It reached 5 o'clock, and Zoe was still up there. I was pretty sure that she was nearly finished, but Nala was barking at my feet, ready for a walk, and I knew that Zoe could do with the break too.
Heading up the stairs, I reached the room that she was in, and pushed open the door.
Her head whipped round in my direction as I entered, but she didn't seem angry, more relieved that I had finally come to give her a distraction.
"Nala wants a walk, and you've been filming for hours, and I know that you could do with the break?" I asked calmly.
"I need to finish Alfie, we're going tomorrow", she sighed.
"You can do it later, we both know you can't work like this"
She looked down sadly, then, as if changing her mind, her face broke into a smile. The grin beamed from ear to ear, and it lit up her face, making her seem even more beautiful. Every time she looked at me I thought that she couldn't get more gorgeous, but every time she smiled, she amazed me and did. A rush of gratitude flooded through me and I realised how lucky I was to have her.
Jumping off of the bed, she fell into my arms, her small body fitting into mine perfectly. I held her, not wanting to let go, a surge of love pulsing through my heart. When she unwrapped her arms from around me, her face seemed alight. Then she bent her head up and kissed me quickly, sending butterflies ricocheting in my stomach.
"Your the best boyfriend ever you know", she said, her voice sounding instantly happier.
"I know" I replied, laughing, a beam grown on my cheeks.
She smiled and hit me on the arm.
"Joking" I quickly added and we headed downstairs to grab out coats and get Nala ready, hand in hand.

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