6. Alfie

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"Zoe it's going to be ok, I promise", I whispered in her ear. We were both sat on the cold stone floor of the lobby, Zoe curled up on my lap, crying into my shoulder. I gave her a gentle squeeze, and stroked her hair, trying to do everything that I could to calm her down.
Each breath was getting longer, and her small frame wasn't heaving as much with every sob, but she was still in a state. I felt awful, it was always horrible seeing her so anxious, but ok top of that I felt awful for loosing her in the crowd. I should have stayed with her, kept a tighter hold on her hand, and maybe we wouldn't be sat on this cold hard floor, both of us shaking with every one of her sobs.
The girl standing next to us was just watching as I tried to comfort Zoe, just watching almost in awe at the scene before her. Her blue eyes seemed to survey the area, constantly checking the door for any escaped fans, her brown ponytail swishing with every movement. I had no clue who she was, nor where she came from, all I knew was that she had appeared just as I had managed to push past the crowd into another entrance of the building. She didn't explain who she was, or what she was doing here, she just told me that Zoe was having a panic attack, and lead me straight to my girlfriend, and for that I was extremely grateful. Who knew what would have happened if she hadn't found her.
Slowly, Zoe's crying ceased, and she started to breathe normally again. Her grip on me loosened, and she finally stopped shaking so much. Relief washed through me, as she whispered in my ear, "Thank Ellie".
I looked over to the girl, Ellie.
"Thank you, thank you so much", I told her, with every ounce of gratitude that I could muster.
"It's fine", she replied. "It's the least I can do, especially seeing how happy you two make me." Her small face lit up with excitement. "I love your videos so much", she added.
I smiled at her, as she wrung her hands together, seemly nervous. The fact that she'd done what she did shocked me a little. I wouldn't have had the guts to fight a crowd and lead my idol to safety, especially at her age. She couldn't be more than fourteen.
"So do you want an autograph? A photo? Because after what you've done for us it's the least that I could do".
She didn't reply, just nodded her small head.
I turned to look at Zoe still curled up on my lap.
"Come on little one, we need to take a picture with Ellie, to say thanks".
She looked up at me, her eyes swollen, face stained with tears.
We both got up slowly, my arm around her waist, making sure that she wouldn't collapse again. She felt so delicate, I was scared I might break her.
We took photos with Ellie, and signed the tiny notebook in her pocket.
"Thanks", she mumbled after, taking back the pad. "I hope you are going to be ok", she added on the end. "I'll leave you be, thank you so much"
Then she pulled open the glass door, the noise spilling out, and disappeared into the crowd, the door falling shut behind her.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket. The conference was supposed to have started 15 minutes ago, and I had 5 missed calls and several frantic texts.
Quickly, I dialled the number of my agent, the call connecting before the line could ring once.
"Where the hell are you!!", the voice greeted me with. He was so loud that I had to hold the phone away from my ear.
"Long story, we were absorbed by a massive mob of screaming fans and Zoe had a panic atta-"
"Well get in here right now!" Mark interrupted. "I've been trying to get hold of you for so long I was getting worried! There's a big offer on the table Alfie, this is the last thing I need!"
I exhaled. Trust him to care about just his job and the future of our career. Sometimes I really couldn't stand Mark and his work-orientated life. Don't get me wrong, he was great, but it was as if he couldn't appreciate that I had a life, and that I couldn't dedicate every single second to phone calls and meetings.
"I'm taking Zoe back to the hotel", I put shortly.
"I don't think you understand. They want you Alfie, and you not being here could jeopardise everything". His voice was gradually getting louder as he got more angry. He was starting to get on my nerves now.
"If they want me that badly then they can wait until tomorrow. Tell them to postpone the meeting, I'm going". I hung up the phone, Marks voice still shouting down the line.
"What was that?", Zoe asked. She rose from the plastic chair that she had been sat in, her blue checkered summer dress filthy, her cheeks red and her makeup smeared down her face.
But none of that mattered. She was still the most beautiful person in the world.
"Don't worry, let's get back to the hotel", I told her.
"But Alfie, what about the meeting?"
"Don't worry about it, I've sorted it with Mark", I replied, taking her hand.
"That didn't sound like you were sorting i-", I leaned in to kiss her, half because I didn't want her to worry, half because I felt awful and I needed her to know I was sorry. Her lips were soft, and still wet from the salty tears. I didn't care.
Eventually I pulled away, still holding her hands.
"Let's find a way out of here", I said, and she just nodded in reply.

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