22. Alfie

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The second plane I'd been on in a week was taking off at 5am, meaning I had to be up at silly-o'clock to get there on time. My alarm went off at 2am, its piercing, shrill ring forcing me awake. I felt so groggy, and the last thing I wanted was to be getting on a plane, but I knew I had to go.
It was pitch black as I climbed into the car, and the air was cool. It was the first time since I'd arrived that I'd actually been able to stand outside without being soaked in sweat within seconds. Apparently Florida was having a heat wave, which made thing even worse for someone like me who was used to cold winds and torrential rain on a daily basis.
Eric was already sat in the front, and for the first time since I'd met him, he wasn't in a suit.
Once I was strapped in, the taxi driver headed off. None of us spoke for the whole journey, I think we were both too tired.
I found myself thinking of Zoe. She'd probably just be waking up by now. I wondered how she was doing, what she was going to do today, how she was coping on her own. My heart longed for her to be here with me.
I arrived at the airport half an hour later in a pair of joggers and an old shirt, a beanie shoved on my head. I looked pretty scruffy, but at 3am, I thought that it was acceptable. Well, I thought so, until I saw Rebecca.
She was dressed as immaculately as the day before, her long wavy hair framing her face, a short black skater dress showing off her long legs yet still making her look professional, with a white embroidered cardigan on top. She had a single black case by her feet, a matching black handbag in one hand and her phone in the other.
"Morning Alfie", she said, looking straight at me again, her bright green eyes sparkling in the blinding lights of the airport.
"Hi", I muttered nervously. I don't know what it was that made me feel afraid of her, but something about the way that she looked at and spoke to me made me feel odd. I just couldn't put my finger on it.
She then looked back to the phone in her hand, to my relief.
I looked over to Eric, wondering if he was going to speak to ease the tension, but then I remembered that we were in a public place, and despite the fact that he was currently off duty, his bodyguard persona was up, as he stood with his hands crossed in front of him. He didn't even look over at me.
I just stood there, my hands in my pockets, scuffing my shoes on the marble floor, waiting for someone to speak and wishing that I hadn't put my phone in my case.
Eventually, Rebecca locked her phone and put it away in her bag. She hitched the black sack over her shoulder and grabbed my wrist firmly. I flinched. It felt weird having her touching me, like I was committing a crime, but she didn't seem to notice my movement. It felt weird, her hand wrapped around my wrist. It must have looked weird too, like I was a disobedient child.
"Come on boys, we need to check in", she said, gesturing to Eric to carry her suitcase. It's a good job that he was strong, as he had two large bags to carry.
Still holding my arm, Rebecca trotted to the desk, me following obediently like some kind of dog. I suddenly missed Zoe and Nala so much.
As if one queue, I heard my phone buzz in my bag, and as Eric loaded the cases into the conveyer belt, I pulled it out of the bag to see a text from Zoe.
Where are u at the moment? I miss you x
She had texted me when I was in the taxi, and she had seemed happy to talk to me on the journey, which was great, but a little odd and out of character.
Just checking in at the airport, I'll need to turn off my phone soon, I'll txt you when we land, miss you too x
I quickly sent a reply before shoving the device back in my bag and jogging to catch up with the others, who had already headed off to the security section.

Once on the plane (business class this time), I turned on the built-in tv, to browse through the programs, when I felt a pull at my hand.
"Hey Alfie, I don't think my screen is working", Rebecca whispered, twirling a strand of hair around her fingers and biting her lip. Her hand was now on top of mine, and her slender fingers were fiddling with one of my rings.
Alarm bells started to ring in my head, and I suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable. All I wanted was to push her off, but something was telling me not to.
"Could you have a look?", she said, pouting slightly. I noticed that she'd put some pale pink lipgloss on since I'd last looked, and her eyes seems to shine with mischief.
My insides knotted as I headed over to her chair. Crouching down, I tried to focus on the tv instead of the woman in the seat that was leaning over my shoulder.
The screen was blank, and as I went to press the on button on her handset, she gripped my wrist again. I knew that I was a bit fussy when it came to personal space, but this much touch was not normal, especially between colleagues. I felt my cheeks heat up, and my gut clenched like a fist.
Flinching, I pressed the button and the screen came on. At the same time, I shot up so that there was no contact between us.
"You didn't turn it on", I said, realising as I spoke that she wasn't stupid, far from it, so clearly hadn't called me over to fix the tv.
"Oops, silly me", she giggled. I was slightly amazed at how she could go from intelligent businesswoman to flirty blonde girl in the blink of an eye. I just walked back to my seat, my whole body pulsing with an emotion that I couldn't seem to name.

The rest of the flight passed relatively quickly, with only a few distractions from Rebecca, for which I was exceptionally relieved.

As we stepped off of the plane into the comparatively cold air to Florida, I took a deep breath, relishing the space. All that I could think about was Zoe, and what she'd say if she saw what happened. She'd be so upset, and for some reason, I felt like I'd betrayed her, even though it was Rebecca that had made a move, not me.
Inside the terminal was busy, with loads of tourists rushing about. Every body that pushed past made me feel claustrophobic, and all that I wanted was to be back on the beach at home, with my girlfriend and my puppy.
Have you arrived yet? X, was the only message on my phone when I turned it back on. It had been sent half an hour ago, and I was starting to wonder why Zoe kept texting me.
Just checking out x, I typed back.
She replied almost instantly, and her words made me feel sick to my stomach.
Is that girl with you?
I took a breath before writing back.
Yeah, she's supervising the trip, remember? X
"Anyone want a drink?", Eric asked. I shook my head and looked back to my phone.
What's her name again?
I was starting to panic, terrified that Zoe had somehow found out about what had happened on the plane- which was impossible.
Rebecca Jones I think, why?
I waited for her reply
No reason, I have to go, text me when you get to the hotel X
I sent another message but she didn't answer. I felt sick and my head was spinning, but there was nothing I could do. I'd never felt so helpless in my life.

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