7. Zoe

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The conference was held the next day, to discuss events that we would be taking part in this year.
We arrived at the centre early, sneaking in through the back entrance, even though the crowd had died down since the day before. We weren't risking a repeat of the day before.
Mark ushered us into the room, trying to sound happy and unfazed about yesterday, but on several occasions he slipped me a dirty look.
The meeting lasted for hours, switching between different topics an events. There were several other youtubers there, Jim and Tanya, Joe, Caspar, Louise, Marcus and Naomi, Jack and Finn, Dan and Phil, and quite a few others, all dotted around the room. We barely had time to say hello to them though, as the conference started as soon as we took our seats.
After an hour or two, I was so bored that I couldn't even think straight. Normally meetings like this were so exciting, getting to discuss all of the amazing things that we'd have the opportunity to do, but today was different. Other things kept playing on my mind, and whenever I would try to listen, I only caught glimpses of conversation.
"...and you must understand that it would be a great opportunity", the spokeswoman said. I only heard the end of her sentence, and it sounded pretty boring, just like everything else.
"Florida is a lovely place and the experience you could gain from it would be invaluable", she continued. Suddenly she had my attention. "It would be stupid to turn this down. Three months would allow you to meet new people, and learn more about your career, and we are funding the whole thing". I was all ears. I love Florida. I just couldn't understand why she was trying to sell it to us so much. Three months in Florida seemed like the best proposal of the whole meeting.
"The main thing that you need to take into consideration is that there is only one place". And suddenly, it didn't sound so appealing. Florida was an amazing place, but three weeks alone didn't sound like my cup of tea. I had family and friends and commitments at home. I instantly dismissed it, it didn't matter anyway, the proposal could be for any one of the people in this room, it wasn't likely to be me.
Then I remembered something that I had overheard Mark say to Alfie over the phone yesterday.
"They want you Alfie"
Fear filled my body, spreading to every limb. I looked over to Mark, to see a smug look cover his face.
I knew what the woman was going to say before she even said it. Because it wasn't going to be me. I just held my breath as the words spilled out of her mouth.
"...and we want Alfie to go."

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