8. Alfie

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"We want Alfie to go", the woman said, looking at me an smiling like it was the best thing in the world. Well I guess it was, but one thing surged through my mind.
"Will Zoe be able to come?", I blurted, without even thinking.
"I'm afraid not. There is only one place, the offer can't stretch to two and the accommodation is only for for one", she said. "But I'm sure you'll have a great time anyway", she added, anticipating my answer.
"Then I'm not going", I put bluntly. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm sure you can find someone else that would love to take my place". I knew what I was saying was rash but I needed Zoe, and she needed me, and there was no way I'd even consider leaving her for that long. A few weeks, sure. But three months?
"-What I think he means, is that he would like some time to think about it", Mark cut in, shooting me an angry look. "Give us a moment", he said, jumping out of his seat, gripping me by the arm and dragging me out of the room.
"What the hell do you think you are doing!?", he shouted once the door had shut behind him and we were out of earshot of the hall.
"I'm not leaving my life behind for three months. And I'm not leaving Zoe.", I stated, trying to muster as much courage and power into my words as possible, looking down directly into his eyes. I towered over him by a considerable amount, but he had this presence that seemed to make me feel small and weak and like a little kid being told off. He always had been like that.
"Look, I know you think that you're in love with her, but your career is way more important than a stupid girl, especially one like her", he spat, his face red, his hands twitching with anger. It almost scared me how he was acting. I mean he got mad frequently, but I'd never seen him like this before.
My head span. My heart sped up. Every muscle in my body tensed.
"What did you say", I said, my voice shaking with anger. I suddenly felt so mad that I could hit him. I nearly did.
"It's just that you shouldn't let a silly relationship with someone like her mess up your life", he stated.
"How dare you say that about my girlfriend!", I shouted, staring straight into his eyes.
"I'm just saying that you need to get your priorities right", he replied, unmoving, as if he were having a normal, civil conversation. He suddenly seemed normal again, talking to me like I was seven and he was telling me off for taking the last sweet. It made me so annoyed, and even more angry at how he was acting. I was fed up of being treated like this.
"I have my priorities sorted thank you. And Zoe comes first. I love her and I don't care what you say to me she will always come first!", I cried, pushing down the urge to plunge my fist straight into his face. He just stared back at me. Acting like a teacher telling off a child throwing a tantrum.
I looked away, then, deciding if had enough of him, I stormed back into the room, not caring about the looks that were being thrown my way by practically everyone, but the conversation continued quickly enough, the next topic being brought up for discussion.
Zoe just glanced at me, a look of panic and concern on her face.
"Are you ok?", she whispered, even though there was no way that anyone else would be able to hear her.
"I'm fine", I replied.
She took my hand and gave it a little squeeze, instantly calming my anger. She had that effect on me. No one else could make me feel so at ease so quickly.
I took a deep breath, allowing the hurt to settle, and as I looked over at her smile I couldn't help but feel a nervous tingle in my stomach.
"I love you Zoe", I whispered.
"I love you too Alfie", she replied.

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