51 part 2. Alfie

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The tears were falling fast, and I didn't even bother to stop them. I didn't care about how vulnerable I came across to anyone right now. All that I cared about was her, and what she was about to say to me. She held our whole relationship in her hands, and I hated knowing that that was so much pressure on her, but I'd done all that I could. Now I just needed an answer.
She was so beautiful, the most beautiful girl that I'd ever seen, with the most beautiful personality. Her bright blue eyes were slightly red from crying, but I could never seem to get over how breathtaking they were, how they captivated me, drawing me in every time I laid eyes on her. Her small face, the way that she looked at me made me feel weak, like she'd put a spell on me. She was so short, but I loved her height, I loved how perfectly her body slotted against mine, how when I kissed her I had to bend down slightly, as she tipped her head up to meet me. I loved how she made me smile, how she could alway cheer me up when I was feeling down, how even the sound of her voice could make me feel one hundred times happier. I don't think I could live without her, but if that's what she wanted, I would have to do it. For her.
I knew that there was a chance that she'd say no. After everything I'd done, leaving her alone, letting Rebecca get close to me, allowing Zoe to get the wrong idea, it was not at all surprising that she might not want anything to do with me any more, and that terrified me.
In the corner of my eye I could see people begin to file into the cafe as the time ticked on, but I didn't take my eyes off of her. I didn't stop looking into her bright blue eyes, red and puffy from crying, with the remnants of makeup streaked down her cheeks. I didn't stop looking at the hurt that she was showing me, just in that stare. The pain that she'd been through because of me.
But there was something else in her eyes. Something that wasn't there last time I saw her. Something that I've been so desperate to see
"Zoe?", I asked, hoping that she was close to an answer. I didn't want to press, but I couldn't handle waiting anymore. I just needed to know.
She didn't look away, and I could begin to see what she was thinking. I could begin to see her decision.
I leaned closer, so my lips were next to her ear. I could smell her perfume, a clean, fragrant scent, mingling with her shampoo. It was so familiar, and it made me so desperate to have our old life back.
"I love you, and I'm sorry", I whispered in her ear, and I really, truly meant it. I meant that I was sorry, and I meant that I needed her, and I meant that I loved her so much it hurt.
And when I pulled backwards, so I was looking into her eyes again, I could see that she'd made up her mind. I could see that finally, this pain could end.
"I-I...", she stammered. I could see that she was nervous, but I didn't want to disturb what she was about to say, so I waited.
"I forgive you." Her words were more of a squeak, but that didn't matter, because I suddenly felt whole again, like a weight had been lifted off of my chest, like I could finally breathe again. I was overwhelmed with the urge to scoop her up into my arms and kiss her, but she was suddenly just talking, and I was happy to listen. "And I love you. So much. And don't you leave me Alfie Deyes. Ever. And I'm so sorry about everything and I just want to start again and be with you because you are the one for me and I love you and-", and then she stopped talking because she was crying so much and I was crying with her. I was so happy, I just wanted to shout.
"Zoe, you have no idea how much I wanted to hear you say that", I grinned, barely able to see through the tears, and then I bent down and our lips touched and we were kissing, finally, and realised that I loved her so much, more than I'd ever thought possible. I felt suddenly complete, with her, and as I pulled her closer into me, I realised that I was the luckiest man alive to be loved by someone as amazing as her.
She pulled away, a huge smile on her face that made my heart flutter.
"I love you Alfie", she said, her words making me so insanely happy.
"I love you Zoe", I replied, and I couldn't mean it more.
And then we were kissing again and my arms were around her waist and her hands were tangled in my hair and I felt like the happiest person in the world becuase it was just her and me, finally together.

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