Chapter 8: Lance Corporal Levi

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Luckily, the next day is our day-off.
I have my time to get myself together and refresh my mind. I can't stay like this. It would be a big burden to keep on frowning and just thinking about the changes that happened between me and my friends. I have to move on. I have other things to do, I should stop bitching about Reiner.

Yes, Y/N. Just move on. It's for the better.

"Hey, Y/N. Do you want to join our date?" Ymir asked me with smirk plastered on her lip. Her left arm is wrapped around Christa's shoulders.

"Oh? So I'm going to be a chaperone?" I asked which made her laugh.

"If you want to put it like that?" She said and I just smiled.

"No thanks. But I'll be going out with you guys and then let's separate ways." I said and they both nod their heads.

"Y/N, do you want me to style your hair?" Christa asked. "And...I see you're not wearing a dress...Are you not going with Reiner?" She asked.

I smiled and shook my head. "No, thank you, Christa. And I'll be going alone. I need some time alone."

I'm not going with him because he said we should stop hanging out.

Christa nod but her face screams that she doesn't buy my reason. "That Reiner is a jerk." Ymir whispered but I still heard her. Christa scolded her lover so I giggled.

"You two better get married." I said.

"Of course!" Ymir laughed out loud while Christa just blushed.

We went to the mess hall for breakfast. My eyes immediately caught Reiner and Bertholdt on a different table. I sighed and looked away. I saw Annie sitting on a different table too, she's alone. I don't know if I should sit with her or what. I've noticed she's been avoiding me so maybe I'll just sit with...

I looked for the trio and saw them sitting in one table together with Connie, Sasha, Jean and Marco. Ymir and Christa sat with them too.

Should I sit with them? But I'm scared that I'll be left out. I should just sit on a a table alone.

"Y/N! Come here sit with us!"

I came back to my senses when Eren called me. I gulped when I saw all of them looking at me.

Why do I feel nervous?! It's not like they're strangers! What kind of anxiety am I feeling right now?!

"H-huh?" I asked.

"I said come here and sit with us." He said and smiled.

I sighed and nod my head. There's an empty sit in between Marco and Jean so I sat there.

"Hi, Y/N." Marco greeted me.

"Hello, Marco!" I greeted him back.

"What's up, Y/N? You wanna go on a date with me today?" Jean smirked while looking at me.

I cringed and flicked his forehead. "Shut up, Jean-boy."

Everyone laughed because of what
I called Jean. Jean groaned and smacked my head. "Don't call me that, Jaeger number 2!"

I hissed and pulled his hair jokingly. "Stop calling me that!" I said and he laughed.

"Whatever, Jaeger number 2!"

"Horseface Jean-boy!"

We kept on teasing each other as we eat our breakfast. The thought of being left out by them is now gone.
I must've been overthinking that they won't aknowledge my presence, but I was wrong. They include me in every conversation they have.

Heichou's First Love (Levi Ackerman x FEM! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now