Chapter 39: The Retaking of Wall Maria Pt. 2

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{Long Chapter Ahead - 4,173 words}

"Erwin. He's gonna come up here." Levi said.

We watched the armored titsn on the ground. He stood up and ran towards the wall and kicked it, trying to make more damage.

"Troops, avoid engaging the armored titan! Don't get near that thing!"

"Yes, sir!"

I frozed on my place when I saw a strange titan beside the beast titan. It's walking on all fours like a four-legged animal. It has a saddle on it's back.

That quadrupedal titan has a saddle on it for carrying a cargo.

It must not be part of the group of titans that transformed just now.

Could that mean it's an enemy scout?

It could have been the one that spotted us approaching and warned Reiner.

In that case...

"The quadrupedal titan is intelligent too." Erwin and I both said in unison.

Levi and Armin looked at us with their surprised expressions.

"No. There must be even more of them out there." Erwin added.

I hissed. "The enemy is even more formidable than we predicted." I said and shook my head.

The beast titan let out a loud growl and slammed his left fist on the ground. The titans started moving.

So he can control the titans? Just who is behind that beast titan? I'm very interested in meeting you, monkey.

I have a feeling that it'll be just like the raid in Utgard castle.

They'll go for our horses first.

Their primary goal is to capture, my brother.

But to do that, they'll first take away our escape options.

There's no way for us to return home from here in titan territory without our horses.

If they can kill our horses, they can cut our supply lines simply by blocking our retreat.

Then they'd just have to wait a week, or at most a month, for us all to waste.

In that way, they could pluck Eren from his deathbed without even having to fight.

Given that, the large titans are doing just what I'd expect standing in a rank.

They're clearly acting as a cage to trap us here.

"C-commander, the armored titan is getting extremely close. Plus, we still don't know where Bertholdt is." Armin said.

That's right. Bertholdt is missing in action. Where is that tall bastard?

"Yes, I know." Erwin said.

The scenario we must avoid above all is the one in which our horses are killed because we have no way to desl with Reiner and Bertholdt.

To end that...

I sighed. I looked at Erwin. He looked at me and nod. I think we understood what we have to do.

"So, you two are finally ready to talk? Or should I get breakfast after all?" Levi asked.

I sighed and shook my head.

How could he joke at a time like this?

"Squad Dirk, and squad Marlene, go join squad Klaus at the inner gate! Guard our horses with your lives! Squad Levi, squad Y/N and squad Hange take down the armored titan!"

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