Chapter 11: Battle of Trost

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{Long Chapter Ahead- 5,887 words}

"What?! You're gonna join the survey corps?" Eren and me both asked Connie in unison.

We are now in top of wall Rose doing our first assigned duties as new graduates of cadet corps.

"Connie, you're number eight, right?! Before, you saud you were gonns join the MP brigade." Eren said.

"Naturally, the military police brigade's a wiser choice. But still..." Connie didn't look at us. He kept himself busy with fixing the cannon.
I smirked and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Eren, you're speech last night had an effect on him." I said and laughed.

"Huh?!" Eren asked in confusion.

"W-wrong! I...It was...T-that's righ! It was Jean! I just don't wanna be in the same branch as that bastard!" Connie denied and he even used Jean for his excuse. I bet Jean bit his tongue because someone mentioned his name.

"That doesn't explain why you'd join the survey corps." Thomas said.
I laughed and did a high-five with him.

"S-shut the hell up! I decided for my self!" Connie said in an annoyed tone.

Yeah sure. I'll pretent to believe that, Connie.

"Don't be so embarrassed! Sometimes even when you know what you should do, you still hesitate to follow through." I said and patted Connie's almost bald-head.

"Beside...Conni's not the only one..." Thomas said which made us shocked.

So he's gonna join the survey corps too...

"Pardon me, but." I saw Sasha sneaked behind Eren and Thomas.
My brows furrowed when I saw her hiding something inside her jacket.
"I borrowed a little meat from the senior officers' private stock." She said while blushing. The three boys looked at her with a mixture of scared and surprised reaction.
I only laughed while looking at Sasha.

"Sasha...You wanna get thrown into solitary?"

"You know you really are dumb."

"Scary dumb."

Sasha blushed even more and she even drooled! Cute but weird.
"Let's split it up later. Slice it, slap it between some bread. Hehehehe...."

I nod my head and smiled widely. "Yes! Sasha! Let's do that!" I said but
I earned a smacked on the head from Eren.

"Don't encourage her, stupid!" Eren said.

"Tsk! I don't care!" I said and smacked his head too.

"Put it back!" Connie said to Sasha.

"That's right! Ever since our territory shrank, meat has become incredibly precious." Mina said.

I laughed when Sasha didn't say anything. She went towards a box and put the meat inside. "Don't worry. Once we recapture our territory, we'll be able to keep more cows and sheep again." She said which made me smile.

"Huh?" Eren asked in confusion.
I swer he's always confused. He really is an idiot.

"I see your point. It'll be like a celebration in anticipation of regaining wall Maria. Once we eat it, all that's left is preparing ourselves for the worst!!" Thomas said with a smile on his lips.

I nod my head. "Yeah! That's why we should keep this meat!" I said which made Sasha giggle.

"I'll eat that meat too!!" Samuel said.

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