Chapter 55: Ymir Fritz

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{Long Chapter Ahead - 5,767 words}

(Y/N's POV)

I slowly opened my eyes when I felt someone gently shaking me. My vision was blurry at first so I had to close my eyes and then opened it again. Hange's looking at me while a tired smile is plastered on her lips.

I turned beside me and saw that Levi's still unconscious. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair.

"How long have I been sleeping?"

"2 hours. Sorry for waking you up."

I nod my head and stood up. My eyes landed on the wagon and it's already done. Moblit is sleeping under a tree.

"Go on and rest. I'll look out for us."

Hange nod her head. She went to Moblit and layed her cloak beside him. I sighed and just let them rest. It's still raining but it's not that heavy.

My stomach growled, meaning that I'm hungry. There's no food in the wagon or nor do we have any food with us. I looked at Hange, Moblit and Levi first.

They'll be fine. I'm sure they're hungry too. I'll try to look for a food.

I walked out of the forest, maybe I can find some miracle planted fruits or vegetables anywhere. Or maybe an edible animal that we can roast or whatever.

I was walking when I felt the ground shake. I stiffened on my place. The way the ground shake is familiar.

I turned around only to see a titan looking at me. It's sitting on the ground. It has short hair with bangs. It looks like a girl titan.

"Damn..." I muttered as I step back slowly. I took out my revolver and ready it. I know it's useless to use a gun to a titan but damn it. How can I fight this....My eyes widened when the titan reached its big hand out to me.

"What... Are you an abnormal? But..." I said with trembling voice. I can't believe I'm talking to a titan right now.

"Go to her."

I froze on my place when I heard someone's familiar voice inside my head.

"Go to her, Y/N. She'll help you."

I stared at the titan. It feels like she really is asking me to go to her. My body acted on it's own. The next thing I knew is that I'm already near her.
I squeeled when she grabbed me.

The titan opened it's stomach which made me cringe. "T-that's disgusting." I said and covered my mouth. "I think you're an abnormal titan, I gotta go now." I said and was about to run away but the titan grabbed me which made me scream.

"Let go of me!" I said and punched it's hand. "Help! Let go of me!"
I screamed again and again until I found myself being put inside the titan's stomach. I gasped for air when it's slowly getting suffocating.

I started to feel dizzy, my eyes slowly falling and my breathing becoming ragged because of suffocation. A single tear escaped my eyes before I lose my consciousness.

(Third Person Point-of-View)

A place filled with snowy plain of sands, shining starts above and a big glowing tree in the middle that gave light to the dark surroundings.

Y/N's lying on the ground while a little girl is beside her. The girl bas shoulder-length hair and straight-cut bangs, she's wearing a tattered clothing with a cloth headband, sash belt and leather sandals laced above her ankles. The little girl has no emotion showing in her face. She's just stoic and quiet.

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